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• Posted in Bible, Discipleship, Gospel, Life in the Church, Parenting

This past Saturday Mickey Connolly taught a parenting seminar at SGC on the goal and the how of parenting. His target was parents of children through aged 12 years, but as a father of three grown children his gaze often extended upwards to the adult years. 

• Posted in Bible, Childrens Ministry, Discipleship

To aid your family in knowing which verses each age group is currently memorizing, we have composed a Scripture Memory Verse Chart listing the lesson, the age group, and the particular verse/s to concentrate on each month. 

• Posted in Art, Bible

The voices in our lives speak from TV shows like Breaking Bad and through movies and even classic forms like newspapers and the radio (that thing your parents play in the car sometimes). Many of these voices have an emphatic opinion, a stance on truth, and a worldview that they want you to adopt....As Christians in a world as filled with voices as ours is, we must—we absolutely must—have an ear for God’s Word.

• Posted in Bible, Every-Member Ministry, Life in the Church, Mission, Service, Unity, Vision

Dave Burnett serves us as our Deacon of Benevolence. In this post he invites us into that role and explains how he does it. As elders we have so appreciated his service, and we have seen time again that his wisdom and compassion bring great blessing to others.

• Posted in Bible, Sermons

Sometimes it's helpful to know what's coming with our Sunday sermons. In case you want to read ahead in the Bible or plan a Sunday to invite a guest, we wanted to pass along what's coming. Here's our schedule, understanding that the Lord often has plans different than ours!

• Posted in Bible, Old Testament, Sermons

War, romance, anger, depression, dancing, judgment—it's the stuff of history, especially Old Testament history in 1-2 Samuel and 1-2 Kings where we will be for our new sermon series beginning in September. Here are some over-arching aspects of this exciting history.

• Posted in Bible, Devotions, Discipleship, Sanctification, Suffering

Sometimes we strive, however imperfectly, to do the right thing because we are convinced that it is what God would have us do. Then we encounter trials along the way that tempt us to doubt in the darkness what we were convinced was true in the light. 

• Posted in Art, Bible, Every-Member Ministry, Fellowship, Life in the Church, Unity, Vision

I hope you have enjoyed the recent installation of Jermaine Powell’s painting of the communion elements in our church lobby. His talent needs no exposition: it is obvious and the painting speaks of it loudly....But we don’t incorporate art into our church life thoughtlessly. And there are more questions at stake than simply “does it look nice?”

• Posted in Bible

Here are some excellent online Bible study resources that allow you to access the Greek and Hebrew beneath our English Bible even if you have little or no training in the original languages.

• Posted in Bible, Biblical Manhood and Womanhood, Discipleship, Fellowship, Life in the Church, Relationships, Work

Continuing our discussion of biblical convictions regarding work, unemployment, and even under-employment, here are convictions 6-8 with a ninth point added about temptations for the unemployed.

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We are a church built on the Bible, guided and empowered by the Spirit, striving to make disciples, and pursuing holiness in the context of robust biblical relationships.

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10am on Sundays

401 Upchurch St, Apex, NC 27502

© 2025 Cornerstone Fellowship Church of Apex