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Kids Clubs

Let no one despise you for your youth, but set the believers an example in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, in purity.

(1 Timothy 4:12)

At Cornerstone, we offer kids clubs for boys and girls. Our girls participate in Keepers, and the boys, Royal Rangers. These clubs typically meet on the 2nd & 4th Wednesday evenings of the month, September - May. 

Keepers Overview

Keepers is the girls club division of Keepers of the Faith. It was started by Jeff and Susan Zakula who desired to teach their children practical skills in a way that would incorporate biblical teaching and allow the whole family to participate. Eventually, their ideas spread and they started selling resources to others.

Typical Club Meeting

Our clubs meet twice a month, September through May on the 2nd & 4th Wednesdays from 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm. A typical club meeting includes a 10-15 minute Bible devotion and a merit activity. Our focus during our devotions is to encourage spiritual disciplines and grow in godly friendships, mentorship, and caring for each other. We complete a variety of merits each year and try to rotate between practical skills, outdoors, cooking, service, and crafting skills.

Our Clubs

  • Caring Keepers (Grades 1-2, minimum age is 6 years and in first grade)
  • Helping Keepers (Grades 3-5)
  • Servant Keepers (Grades 6-8)*

Moms (or a designated Cornerstone Kids approved substitute you arrange) are required to serve as helpers for a minimum of 2 nights as needed throughout the year, to help our clubs run smoothly.

Guest Policy: Our club room space fills up quickly. Because of this, we accept registration for those attending Cornerstone Fellowship Church and their guests first. Are you active in, and committed full-time, to another church? We're glad to see you here and would love to serve you if we have space. Please check to see if we have a spot free before registering by emailing Elizabeth Ehresman. Tell us how you found us and why your daughter wants to join. We will occasionally accept members from other churches if space allows, or we're also happy to meet for coffee and discuss how you can start your own Keepers club at your church.

Registration Notes:

You can select full-year or half-year registrations (use half-year if you plan to only attend the 2nd Wednesday of the month. Specifically the 7-8th grade girls who want to attend MSYG the 4th Wednesday)

*The 1st club meeting each month (2nd Wednesday) is planned for 1st-8th grade girls. This is our main merit instruction night. The 2nd meeting (4th Wednesday) is planned for 1st-6th grade girls. We will be practicing the skill learned on the 2nd Wednesday. Girls are welcome to attend the full year or only on 2nd Wednesdays.

Cost: There is a suggested supply fee of $10 per child. This is helpful to help us cover the costs of merit supplies, but not required for participation.

For further information or questions please contact our Keeper's Coordinator, Elizabeth Ehresman.

Register for Keepers

Royal Rangers

Royal Rangers is one of America’s largest and foremost adventure programs for boys. It is a national program designed to meet the physical, spiritual, mental and social needs of boys and young men. Our ultimate goal is to help boys to recognize and grow into their place of leadership and responsibility as followers of Christ. We recognize that the boys we reach today will be the leaders of tomorrow! This ministry reaches across the United States and into over 63 nations around the world. It seeks to motivate boys spiritually through Bible study, memorization, devotionals, and Christian mentors. The boys are encouraged to excel through a weekly awards-based program.

The threefold purpose of the Royal Rangers is:

  • To evangelize boys for Christ
  • To develop the total boy for Christ — leadership, spiritually, physically, mentally and socially
  • To keep boys for Christ and in the church

We want to reach, teach and keep boys for Christ. The young men are introduced to various leadership opportunities in church, community, and nature-related activities designed to help them develop social skills and awareness. Dedicated leaders, called commanders, provide boys with the necessary direction during weekly outpost meetings. These meetings serve to develop the total boy for Christ and to offer loving support and understanding for the boys through godly role models.

Register for Rangers

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We are a church built on the Bible, guided and empowered by the Spirit, striving to make disciples, and pursuing holiness in the context of robust biblical relationships.

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10am on Sundays

401 Upchurch St, Apex, NC 27502

© 2025 Cornerstone Fellowship Church of Apex