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• Mark Knetsch (Pastor of ResLife Church) • Posted in Evangelism, Events, Mission, Service

Missions:Together. It' something you've heard about. It's that thing Benjamin has talked about, and travels to D.C. and New York for. But you're probably still wondering: what exactly is M:T, and why should I care about this event on November 2nd? To help answer that question Mark Knetsch, the pastor of Resurrection Life Church (ResLife) at Apex Middle School and the visionary director for M:T has offered some helpful insight.

"Honestly, I sometimes hesitate to answer what M:T is, because I don’t want to come across like a salesman. As a church planter, I have given a pitch or two,…

• Joy Sasser • Posted in Mission

Over 20 years ago, my dad, mom, and Perimeter Church in Atlanta came alongside a Tanzanian pastor with a big heart and vision to start a primary school and help the widows in the impoverished village of Karansi, Tanzania.  Since then, through the devoted work of many individuals from Tanzania and America, the Siha Leadership School has indeed flourished with nearly 1000 students receiving a life-changing education, developing from the bottom 6% on Tanzanian student national exams to the top 6%.  It has been an amazing ride as God has accomplished far more than they set out to achieve,…

• Ken Auer • Posted in Mission

The Short Version

I (Ken) am in Zambia with Jeff Canna until May 10th to help further the progress towards the vision of Abundant Futures of Northern Zambia. We’d love to have you join us in prayer and consider providing financial help towards that goal. It will be an ongoing effort as the Lord has already done great things there, but there is so much left to do as the work goes forward with a budget deficit as they continue to change the trajectories of many children in one of the financially poorest sections of one of the financially poorest countries in Africa.

• Katrina Walker, Isaac Walker, Janelle Walker • Posted in Mission

"Returning With Purpose "

As Isaac and I prepared to travel to visit our missionary friends, the Howes, and participate in their work of sharing the gospel in Peru, we asked ourselves these forward-looking questions:

  • How will I steward with gratitude and faithful prayers the experience and investment of time and money to learn about God’s work in Peru?
  • What can I do to nurture the change so that it sticks with me?

Many people prayed. Many people gave. God united our hearts with purposefulness, joining our dear missionary friends in their daily lives, and then wove our…

• Ken Auer • Posted in Evangelism, Mission

Earlier this fall Ken Auer travelled to Tanzania and Zambia to explore future ministry opportunities. He was accompanied by Henri and Chimelle Kadima, friends of ours who used to attend Cornerstone but are now leading a church in Garner called International Group of Friends of Christ (GRIAC for short, from the French name of the church). We asked Ken to write a report about his trip. In December we'll have a reception for him, where he'll be able to say a little more. 

• Claire Talbott • Posted in Mission

Claire Talbott recently wrote a post for Agua Viva about her experience on our trip this summer. We wanted to pass it along to encourage you. 

• Emily Baker • Posted in Mission

A report by Emily Baker about her time in India this summer: 

I wanted to share with you about my experience in Indore, India this summer. During my time studying at UNC Chapel Hill I have gotten involved with Summit College, the college ministry of the Summit Church. This summer I participated in Summit College’s eight-week discipleship training project, which involved local, national, and international service as well as training from pastors, church planters, and missionaries.

• Mike Noel • Posted in Mission, Prayer

Daniel did a great job on May 22nd in his sermon titled, "A Heart for God Among the Nations." He discussed what it meant to be a "world Christian". This is a believer with a heart for the gospel to go into all the nations. One of the ways that we can cultivate that type of heart for the nations is through prayer.

Jesus told us to pray that his kingdom would come on earth as it is in heaven. It should be our heart's desire for that to take place throughout the world. As we pray for…

• Daniel Baker • Posted in Mission

Last fall we mentioned to you that Cornerstone has begun a partnership with Acts 29 Latin America. We wanted to give you some of the back story about how we landed there. 

First, with our move to Trinity Fellowship Churches, our way of doing international missions changed. Trinity's strategy is to focus on the US for locations where our own churches will plant but then to link arms with existing ministries to invest in international works. This comes from a realistic sense of our own resources and also a recognition that many people have been active for much longer…

• Daniel Baker • Posted in Mission, Sermons

On Sanctity of Human Life Sunday Mike Noel unpacked what it means to be a "pro-life Christian." This speaks to the issue of the unborn and advocating for them but also much more. Here is how he defined what he meant:

A pro-life Christian is one who out of their devotion to God seeks to minister to others in all seasons of life especially to those who are in distress and need of care. 

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