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• John McLawhorn • Posted in Discipleship, Every-Member Ministry, Fellowship, Relationships, Small Groups

This past Sunday John McLawhorn shared about his family's involvement in the Scott Moonen home group. What he said painted a vivid picture of the benefits of living life with other Christians in this kind of setting. I hope it inspires you to get involved in a group if you're not currently in one, and to get even more involved in your group if you do attend one.

• Carla Monroe • Posted in Every-Member Ministry, Family, Fellowship, Life in the Church, Marriage, Suffering

Just under three years ago our church lost Scott Monroe, but our collective loss was nothing compared to what the Monroe family experienced themselves. It taught all of us a great deal about the earthly side of death—a side very different from the heavenly side of it that Scott joyfully experienced in a brilliant moment. As a church we are still learning how to come alongside those who have faced trials and tragedies very different from our own, but this is what Christian love and compassion call us to do. In this note from Carla, she shares something of the way the church has entered into her suffering these last several years. We hope it is both encouraging and challenging for you.

• Posted in Evangelism, Fellowship, Forgiveness, Gospel, Grace, Life in the Church, New Testament, Old Testament, Sermons

In the critical last hours of Jesus’ earthly ministry, he instituted what we call the Lord's Supper at his last meal with the disciples. As we saw in our Sunday sermon, the Lord's Supper is a simple act, but it has profound meaning. What is the Lord's Supper? We answered that question in four parts.

• Posted in Fellowship, Life in the Church, Women’s Ministry

Get ready to share the L-O-V-E at our Ladies Valentine’s Day Party!

• Posted in Evangelism, Events, Fellowship, Forgiveness, Gospel, Life in the Church, News

Ricky Wright was baptized this past Sunday, along with Mike Smith. It was a great day of celebrating God's grace saving two more sinners! Ricky was gracious enough to let us post his profession.

• Posted in Church Plant, Evangelism, Events, Every-Member Ministry, Fellowship, Life in the Church, Mission, Service, Vision

A few weeks ago we had our 2013 Family Meeting, a time to annually come together and think about the past year and the year ahead. This year we felt particularly led to focus on the year ahead. God is doing great things in our church, and we wanted to cast vision along those lines.

• Posted in Events, Family, Fellowship, Life in the Church, Service, Worship

Last week a few of us from SGC went to the SG Worship God East conference, Called to Be Faithful, with about a thousand other people from inside and outside of Sovereign Grace Ministries....The conference was a great time of instruction, fellowship, worship, and all the joys a 9-hour road trip can bring!

• Posted in Discipleship, Every-Member Ministry, Fellowship, History of Redemption, Life in the Church, Mission, Relationships, Service

Michelle Alston wrote a testimony that wonderfully captures how God meets us in a variety of ways through the body of Christ. Sometimes that grace comes to us through a counselor, sometimes a patient friend, sometimes a friend who gives an afternoon to fix our car, and sometimes through singing hymns with our brothers and sisters in Christ. All of that is the body of Christ in action and the grace that comes from it!

• Posted in Art, Bible, Every-Member Ministry, Fellowship, Life in the Church, Unity, Vision

I hope you have enjoyed the recent installation of Jermaine Powell’s painting of the communion elements in our church lobby. His talent needs no exposition: it is obvious and the painting speaks of it loudly....But we don’t incorporate art into our church life thoughtlessly. And there are more questions at stake than simply “does it look nice?”

• Posted in Biblical Manhood and Womanhood, Books, Fellowship, Relationships, Sanctification

Our accountability suffers when we forget why we do it, or we aren't sure how to do it. Coming Clean, a new e-book by Covenant Eyes' Luke Gilkerson, helps us on both counts. It provides an insightful, biblical rationale for our need for it, and then it provides accessible steps and tools to get started.

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We are a church built on the Bible, guided and empowered by the Spirit, striving to make disciples, and pursuing holiness in the context of robust biblical relationships.

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10am on Sundays

401 Upchurch St, Apex, NC 27502

© 2025 Cornerstone Fellowship Church of Apex