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Childrens Ministry

• Daniel Baker • Posted in Childrens Ministry, Service

“We will not hide them from their children, but tell to the coming generation the glorious deeds of the LORD, and his might, and the wonders that he has done” (Psalm 78:4)

Each week dozens of men and women (and young men and women) give up hours of their Sunday morning to minister the Word of God to the next generation of the church. Why go to such effort? There are (at least) four reasons.

• Posted in Bible, Childrens Ministry, Discipleship

To aid your family in knowing which verses each age group is currently memorizing, we have composed a Scripture Memory Verse Chart listing the lesson, the age group, and the particular verse/s to concentrate on each month. 

• Posted in Childrens Ministry, Devotions, Discipleship, Gospel, Life in the Church, Mission, News

On August 25 Marty Machowski will be doing a seminar on a new curriculum we are using in our Children's Ministry. He will also be preaching that Sunday morning (26th). To introduce you to him a little bit here is an interview he did recently on Bob Kauflin's website.

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10am on Sundays

401 Upchurch St, Apex, NC 27502

© 2024 Cornerstone Fellowship Church of Apex