Posted in Bible, Childrens Ministry, Discipleship
As you know, beginning in September our Children's Ministry underwent a major change in curriculum. We hope that you are already seeing the benefits in your own families.
One of the advantages of this new curriculum is that all of the children are learning the same material and Scripture memory verses on the same Sunday, with age appropriate content.
To aid your family in knowing which verses each age group is currently memorizing, we have composed a Scripture Memory Verse Chart listing the lesson, the age group, and the particular verse/s to concentrate on each month. You can find this chart on the SGC website under the "Our Church Life" tab, Children (in the sidebar). You can also find it through this link: Memory Verse Chart.
We trust this will assist you in helping each of the children, and even the adults in your home, to "hide God's Word" in their hearts.
Donna Walton
Children's Ministry Secretary
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