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Life in the Church

• Daniel Baker • Posted in Life in the Church, Theology

Every day we drive by dozens of “churches” and…

Well, that’s not actually true. Every day we drive by dozens of church buildings, or buildings where churches meet. But these structures of steel, drywall, glass, and paint could just as easily be gyms or schools or hair salons. They happen to be church buildings, but really they’re just buildings.

It’s good every once in a while to check ourselves in how we use certain words. “Church” is one of those words. If we’re not careful our shorthand can affect how think and feel about certain things. With “church,” we can…

• Daniel Baker • Posted in Coronavirus, Life in the Church

By my reckoning we are somewhere around Day 335 of our COVID Exile (or is it a seige?). It was basically March 12, 2020, when the whole world began to cancel and shutdown. On the Sunday after that shutdown began I preached from the book of Hebrews. Being 335 days into this season it feels like a word of encouragement is fitting, and this "time capsule" seemed worth revisiting. I hope it encourages you. 

• Daniel Baker • Posted in Life in the Church

In case you weren't able to join us yesterday morning, we wanted you to know the new name of the church: Cornerstone Fellowship Church. We're excited about this new chapter in the history of our church.

• Daniel Baker • Posted in Discipleship, Life in the Church, Mission, News, Parenting, Prayer, Pro-life

Here is the 7-day prayer guide we distributed last Sunday as part of Sanctity of Life Sunday. Contact Daniel Baker if you would be willing to (1) help organize or (2) participate in pro-life activities that our church does.

• Jim Martin • Posted in College Group, Discipleship, Life in the Church

Last Sunday, while our young adults were away at a retreat in Virginia, I made a pastoral appeal to our older adult members to consider how they might get involved to serve their younger adult peers. Part of what I shared included ideas for how to get involved. Here are some highlights:

• Daniel Baker • Posted in Life in the Church, Sermons, Vision

In a 2002 Dilbert cartoon, Wally hands a piece of paper to the "pointy-haired boss." The oblivious boss says, "Wally, your status report is just a bunch of buzzwords strung together." Wally responds in the next panel, "I've been giving you that same status report every week for eleven years." And in the third panel he adds, "Five years ago you adopted it as our mission statement."

That's the risk with a mission statement—that it would become a trite, trendy, and lifeless set of words that mean something at one time but die out after a few weeks of use.

• Lynne Yacobellis • Posted in Evangelism, Gospel, Life in the Church

A testimony of one woman's conversion, demonstrating the impact loving our neighbors can have and the peace and comfort that can be found in Christ.

• Daniel Baker • Posted in Family, Life in the Church

On Tuesday night Dot Riefner went to be with her Lord. God mercifully allowed for the family to be present as she went from this world to the next. She had been declining for some time, but for those who have known her, this is a great loss. For years she has added joy, energy, wit, maturity, prayers, worship, and friendship to our church family. It is a gift to know a person converted later in life who made the most of the years that God gave. Here is the obituary the Jones family prepared on her behalf:

• Daniel Baker • Posted in Life in the Church, Relationships

Recently, one of our home group leaders sent an email to his group. It gives a good snapshot of why home groups are such an important priority for us at SGC. You'll notice the mention of various people serving one another, the logistics they took care of, and the intentionality of the leader to make God a greater part of their lives. At one level an email like this can feel routine and forgettable, but on another it reflects a web of relationships channeled for the glory of God.

• John McLeod • Posted in Church Government, Life in the Church

Last Sunday, Phil publicly announced the elders’ final decision to appoint Daniel Baker to the role of Senior Pastor. Here is the explanation of that decision. As we have emphasized over the last few months, we are grateful to have a plurality of elders, and it bears repeating that Phil isn’t going anywhere. He will still be one of your pastors. He will still have his office at SGC. He will continue to preach, though perhaps not quite as often. We invite you to pray for Daniel and all of the elders during this transition, and we invite you to continue working with us for the building up of the church to the glory of God.

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We are a church built on the Bible, guided and empowered by the Spirit, striving to make disciples, and pursuing holiness in the context of robust biblical relationships.

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10am on Sundays

401 Upchurch St, Apex, NC 27502

© 2025 Cornerstone Fellowship Church of Apex