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• Daniel Baker • Posted in Events, Relationships

This March SGC is hosting a one-day seminar by author and speaker Ken Sande. Many of us have read and benefitted from his book, The Peacemaker: A Biblical Guide to Resolving Personal Conflict, and its related materials. This March he'll be speaking on a new series of teachings he's developed on Relational Wisdom. Check out this post for the kinds of questions he'll be addressing.

• Daniel Baker • Posted in Life in the Church, Relationships

Recently, one of our home group leaders sent an email to his group. It gives a good snapshot of why home groups are such an important priority for us at SGC. You'll notice the mention of various people serving one another, the logistics they took care of, and the intentionality of the leader to make God a greater part of their lives. At one level an email like this can feel routine and forgettable, but on another it reflects a web of relationships channeled for the glory of God.

• Jim Martin • Posted in Discipleship, Life in the Church, Relationships, Sermons

Yesterday Jim preached on 2 Thessalonians 3:6-15. The primary burden of the text is for us not to walk in idleness--to be "busy at work" and not be "busybodies" (3:11). His opening sections on idleness were excellent, but something particularly helpful was a couple great questions on how to know whether you're being a "busybody" and imposing yourself in someone's life where it isn't right:

  1. Is the other person inviting my help?
  2. Is this about them, or is it really about me?

Sometimes I'm not invited in and I should stay out of someone's business, because it's…

• John McLawhorn • Posted in Discipleship, Every-Member Ministry, Fellowship, Relationships, Small Groups

This past Sunday John McLawhorn shared about his family's involvement in the Scott Moonen home group. What he said painted a vivid picture of the benefits of living life with other Christians in this kind of setting. I hope it inspires you to get involved in a group if you're not currently in one, and to get even more involved in your group if you do attend one.

• Posted in Purity, Relationships, Sanctification

Encouraging and challenging words from Jeff Purswell:

Some hindrances impede us; but sin entangles us. Other hindrances weigh you down; sin will bring you down. You can’t run the race and cherish sin. You can’t run the race and cultivate sin. You can’t run the race and indulge in sin. You can’t run the race and be apathetic toward sin. That’s why we need the local church. Look around and you will see that there are runners everywhere, ready to help. Earlier the author of Hebrews wrote, “And let us consider how to stir up one another to…

• Daniel Baker • Posted in Purity, Relationships, Sexuality

Ed Welch posted this on the CCEF blog. It's a helpful reminder in one of our many battles against temptation.

• Posted in Events, Every-Member Ministry, Family, News, Relationships, Sanctification

Join us for the "He Said, She Said" marriage conference where Ed Welch, noted author and faculty member at CCEF, will speak on the "Communication that Builds Intimacy in Marriage."

• Posted in Discipleship, Every-Member Ministry, Fellowship, History of Redemption, Life in the Church, Mission, Relationships, Service

Michelle Alston wrote a testimony that wonderfully captures how God meets us in a variety of ways through the body of Christ. Sometimes that grace comes to us through a counselor, sometimes a patient friend, sometimes a friend who gives an afternoon to fix our car, and sometimes through singing hymns with our brothers and sisters in Christ. All of that is the body of Christ in action and the grace that comes from it!

• Posted in Family, Parenting, Relationships, Sanctification, Sermons

Last Sunday Phil preached particularly to parents. During his first point, he listed off seven ways we can exasperate our children, which means to sinfully or unnecessarily provoke them to anger.

• Posted in Biblical Manhood and Womanhood, Books, Fellowship, Relationships, Sanctification

Our accountability suffers when we forget why we do it, or we aren't sure how to do it. Coming Clean, a new e-book by Covenant Eyes' Luke Gilkerson, helps us on both counts. It provides an insightful, biblical rationale for our need for it, and then it provides accessible steps and tools to get started.

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We are a church built on the Bible, guided and empowered by the Spirit, striving to make disciples, and pursuing holiness in the context of robust biblical relationships.

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10am on Sundays

401 Upchurch St, Apex, NC 27502

© 2025 Cornerstone Fellowship Church of Apex