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• Sam Hodges • Posted in Evangelism, Events, Every-Member Ministry, Service

Most of you know that I work for a Christian publishing ministry. It’s called Church Initiative. We make video-based resources that equip churches to help hurting people. Our team recently finished up work on the third edition of GriefShare, a small group, grief-recovery program.

• Posted in Discipleship, Events, Every-Member Ministry, Masculinity

Daniel Garner did an excellent job in our men’s meeting last month. He gave a powerful testimony of God’s transformation in his life, bringing him from a fairly clueless single to a man who could lead a sizable family and do it fruitfully.

• Posted in Discipleship, Events, Life in the Church, Service, Unity, Vision

It's a big deal to join a church. It's a statement that we need others and that we are not alone as we live our Christian life. It's a commitment to partner with a group of Christians as we love God and love the fallen world around us.

• Posted in Biblical Manhood and Womanhood, Events, Marriage

Warren Harvey is the pastor of Ambassador Presbyterian Church, one of our co-hosts of the upcoming marriage conference. He recently sent a note to the men of his church that we wanted to pass along to you as well.

• Posted in Evangelism, Events, Service, Vision

Sovereign Grace Church in Apex is hosting a Pilates class on Tuesday nights from 8:00-9:00pm for women ages 13 and up.

• Posted in Evangelism, Events, Fellowship, Forgiveness, Gospel, Life in the Church, News

Ricky Wright was baptized this past Sunday, along with Mike Smith. It was a great day of celebrating God's grace saving two more sinners! Ricky was gracious enough to let us post his profession.

• Posted in Events, Every-Member Ministry, Family, News, Relationships, Sanctification

Join us for the "He Said, She Said" marriage conference where Ed Welch, noted author and faculty member at CCEF, will speak on the "Communication that Builds Intimacy in Marriage."

• Posted in Church Plant, Evangelism, Events, Every-Member Ministry, Fellowship, Life in the Church, Mission, Service, Vision

A few weeks ago we had our 2013 Family Meeting, a time to annually come together and think about the past year and the year ahead. This year we felt particularly led to focus on the year ahead. God is doing great things in our church, and we wanted to cast vision along those lines.

• Posted in Events, Family, Fellowship, Life in the Church, Service, Worship

Last week a few of us from SGC went to the SG Worship God East conference, Called to Be Faithful, with about a thousand other people from inside and outside of Sovereign Grace Ministries....The conference was a great time of instruction, fellowship, worship, and all the joys a 9-hour road trip can bring!

• Posted in Discipleship, Evangelism, Events, Life in the Church, News, Pro-life

Serving at A Hand of Hope PRC you see the compassionate side of the pro-life fight, showing the love of Jesus in real and tangible ways to women in need.

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We are a church built on the Bible, guided and empowered by the Spirit, striving to make disciples, and pursuing holiness in the context of robust biblical relationships.

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10am on Sundays

401 Upchurch St, Apex, NC 27502

© 2024 Cornerstone Fellowship Church of Apex