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Joy Burnett's Experience with Hand of Hope and How You Can Help

Posted in Discipleship, Evangelism, Events, Life in the Church, News, Pro-life

Joy Burnett has been working with Hand of Hope for years, serving in many different capacities during her time there. She also helps our church stay involved in fighting for the unborn. We appreciate her diligence and perseverance in this important cause. If you would like to help in overseeing this area of our church life, please let me know ([email protected]). Here is her testimony:

My experience serving A Hand of Hope Pregnancy Resource Center

Over the past four years, I have been involved in serving A Hand of Hope PRC in several ways, and I have come to appreciate this ministry for many reasons.

One thing I appreciate is their focus on the compassionate aspect of the pro-life fight. While we do fight against the evil of abortion, we also want to fight for women and children, especially those in need. At A Hand of Hope and Your Choice Pregnancy Clinics, women are shown the love of Jesus in a very real and tangible way, and they find people willing to listen to them, often when everyone else is trying to tell them what to do.

Another reason I appreciate this ministry is that it is primarily church-based and church-funded. This ministry was born out of a church project, and continues to seek to involve churches in our community, while depending on the financial support of churches to keep the doors open to reaching people. This helps to bring denominations together, because no matter what else we may disagree about, we can all agree to help people in need, and we can all do something to help, no matter how small.

I have served in a variety of ways over the past few years (watching another volunteer’s children, hosting baby showers, being a part of a prayer group, and being a peer counselor at the center), and doing this has impacted me in profound ways and helped me grow spiritually.

My faith in God has grown as I have prayed with other staff and volunteers and watched as God answered prayers and provided a way to open a second center across the street from an abortion clinic. My compassion for others has grown as I have encountered clients from very different backgrounds than my own -- women in very difficult circumstances with no positive influences. My dependence on God has grown as I have called out to him for wisdom to counsel these women in situations that I can’t relate to. Since beginning to volunteer at the center, I have realized more and more my profound need to be filled with the Spirit, and to follow his leading and guidance.

How A Hand of Hope PRC Benefits Young Moms

This ministry helps young moms in several ways. The most obvious way is by meeting real felt needs that they have. Often they do not have health insurance, and we can save them an expensive physician visit by offering free lab-grade pregnancy tests and referrals for affordable prenatal care. This gets their attention because someone cares enough to meet them where they are.

We can also show clients how a child develops in the womb and offer free ultrasounds, which have the added benefit of introducing a mom to her child. It is amazing to see the transformation in a woman’s mind when she realized for the first time that she is already a mom.

In addition to introducing women to their children, we also introduce them to Jesus. Though many clients have attended church, most are puzzled by the question, “Do you have a relationship with Jesus?” We have the opportunity to share the gospel with them, and have had the joy of seeing many trust in Jesus for the first time. Like the woman caught in sexual sin in John 8, they may have only encountered judgment before, but now find mercy through Christ.

Even after their first visit, women continue to benefit from A Hand of Hope. We help them to achieve their long-term goals through our Life Skills program. This includes one-on-one parenting classes and bible studies. As they complete the course work, they earn free items for their babies (diapers, formula, clothes, equipment), and learn the responsibility and sacrifice of living not just for themselves, but for someone else.

How We Can All Participate in this Ministry—The Walk for Life

Not everyone can volunteer to work inside these pregnancy centers, but we can all participate in their ministry by helping to raise the support needed to keep their doors open to those in need. And the Walk for Life on May 5th makes it easy to help!

This casual, family-friendly event takes place at South Park in Fuquay-Varina, and includes lunch for purchase, fun races and inflatables for children, a silent auction, and of course, the 1-mile walk itself.

Visit the Walk for Life website to make a donation or to register as a walker and begin raising funds today! Still have questions? See their FAQ page, or contact Joy Burnett.

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