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Pilates at SGC? Yes!

Posted in Evangelism, Events, Service, Vision

By Kristin Noel

Sovereign Grace Church in Apex is hosting a Pilates class on Tuesday nights from 8:00-9:00pm for women ages 13 and up. There is a suggested donation of $5.00 a class.

Instructor Kristin Noel is a former professional ballerina and certified Pilates instructor and personal trainer. The vision of this class is to bless the women in the church as well as provide an easy context to invite friends, co-workers, and neighbors, etc., and introduce them to our church family. "So often it is difficult for women to find time to take care of their bodies. The cost can often be prohibitive and the commitment overwhelming. I want to provide a safe environment where women can receive knowledgeable instruction and also reach out to their friends and neighbors in a way that is non-threatening, beneficial and fun."

A testimonial from a neighbor of mine that has been attending the class:

“Thanks for inviting me to Pilates and always pushing me a little father than what I would push myself. You are an amazing instructor and friend”

For more information on the next class sessions, email [email protected].

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401 Upchurch St, Apex, NC 27502

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