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• Daniel Baker • Posted in Gospel

As we get closer to Easter Sunday, it's good to stop and consider the cross of Christ when we can. To help you do that, here is a reflection from Hannah Michels on our place at the cross:

Where were you the day he died? 
Were you among the soldiers scoffing, beating, mocking?
Were you among the women weeping along the way?
Were you among the crowds watching, waiting reviling?
Were you among the thieves hanging, bleeding, dying?
Were you among the leaders washing your hands of guilt?
Were you among the scribes…

• Daniel Baker • Posted in Attributes of God, Sermons

Robert Compton and his wife have been making pottery in Bristol, VT for decades. They produce beautiful pieces in a variety of ways. To finish a piece, the clay is often heated to over 2000 degrees. And for one process in the middle of this burning, they sprinkle water on the pieces. The cold water hitting the burning hot clay produces spackles that add unique design elements.

In his experimentation with different clays, glazes, and firing methods Robert Compton does…whatever he wants. He is the complete master over the clay in all of his endeavors.

• Daniel baker • Posted in Charismatic

Paul opens 1 Corinthians 14 with an impassioned appeal: "Pursue love, and earnestly desire the spiritual gifts, especially that you may prophesy" (v. 1). In 12:31 he called love "a still more excellent way" in comparison with the other spiritual gifts. Then in chapter 13 he warned us that practicing spiritual gifts without love is being "a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal" (13:1), to be "nothing" (13:2), and to "gain nothing" (13:3). Further, he goes on to tell us that the spiritual gifts have an expiration date. They will last only until "the perfect comes" (13:10), which means the return of Christ. 

• Daniel Baker • Posted in Evangelism

New York Times, USA Today, and the BBC ran obituaries the day Billy Graham died. Various evangelical voices are adding their reflections on this historical and often controversial North Carolinian. The Billy Graham Center at Wheaton has a good biography of his life on their site. It is estimated that he preached to 250 million people in his lifetime as an evangelist. He is known for preaching an uncompromised gospel at a time when compromise was infecting the American church in massive proportions.

• Mike Noel • Posted in Evangelism, Eteam

The Eteam wants to encourage the church by passing on reports of different ways SGC members are sharing the gospel and inviting others to church. It’s always exciting to hear of the ways God works through his people. It also encourages us that we can do the same. Here are  testimonies from two ladies in our church:

• Daniel Baker • Posted in Discipleship, Life in the Church, Mission, News, Parenting, Prayer, Pro-life

Here is the 7-day prayer guide we distributed last Sunday as part of Sanctity of Life Sunday. Contact Daniel Baker if you would be willing to (1) help organize or (2) participate in pro-life activities that our church does.

• Daniel Baker • Posted in Parenting

As we mentioned over the last couple weeks, on Sunday night, January 7th, at 6:30pm, we're having a parenting forum at SGC. Three seasoned couples will be our mentors for the night, and we'll ask a variety of questions to draw them out.

• Daniel Baker • Posted in Healing, Suffering

"I want to tell you what God did for me recently, but first I need to tell you what He did a while ago." A God-glorifying testimony today from this beautiful, courageous young women of the power and grace and love of God!

• Daniel Baker • Posted in Sermons

Someone recently asked about the upcoming sermon schedule, because they wanted to read ahead and prepare for the preaching. That is a great desire and an excellent way to get even more out of the sermons. So, below is the plan for part one of the Isaiah series. We'll be dividing it into three parts over the next several months).

• Daniel Baker • Posted in

In case it's helpful for you, I uploaded my sermon notes from yesterday to the sermon page. The opening on the idea of a Christian counterculture had some heady stuff, so I thought my notes might allow you a chance to hear it again. The notes include the quotes I read. In the end, it is a great comfort to know that the truth we believe is not just true for us or true in certain areas of life, but that it is comprehensively true and speaks to all areas of human existence.
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We are a church built on the Bible, guided and empowered by the Spirit, striving to make disciples, and pursuing holiness in the context of robust biblical relationships.

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401 Upchurch St, Apex, NC 27502

© 2025 Cornerstone Fellowship Church of Apex