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• Daniel Baker • Posted in Prayer, SG

Mark Prater posted on the SG website the need for prayer as Hurricane Matthew makes its way to us. In particular he mentioned Cedric Moss, one of our SG pastors whose church is in Nassau in the Bahamas. Cedric told Mark that “Matthew is a most unusual hurricane. With other hurricanes, we’ve had a mixture of hurricane and tropical storm impact, but when you look at the forecast map, the entire Bahamas is in the red, meaning hurricane force winds. And Matthew is a Major Hurricane, with winds exceeding 110 mph.”

Cedric's prayer requests include:

• Daniel Baker • Posted in Every-Member Ministry, Sermons, Service

Sunday we looked at the shocking act of service Jesus did when he washed the feet of the disciples. We considered the marvel of God in Christ stooping to wash the dirty feet of creatures he had made, the humility of Jesus cleaning and drying the feet of Judas Iscariot, the one who would betray him.... And at the end we read through a set of questions to help us evaluate our own service of others.

• Lynne Yacobellis • Posted in Evangelism, Gospel, Life in the Church

A testimony of one woman's conversion, demonstrating the impact loving our neighbors can have and the peace and comfort that can be found in Christ.

• Daniel Baker • Posted in Family, Life in the Church

On Tuesday night Dot Riefner went to be with her Lord. God mercifully allowed for the family to be present as she went from this world to the next. She had been declining for some time, but for those who have known her, this is a great loss. For years she has added joy, energy, wit, maturity, prayers, worship, and friendship to our church family. It is a gift to know a person converted later in life who made the most of the years that God gave. Here is the obituary the Jones family prepared on her behalf:

• Philip Sasser • Posted in Events, Worship

In honor of the Matthew Smith/Indelible Grace concert this September, here is a post Philip did for his blog in 2012:

Twelve years ago the loose confederation of Nashville musicians known as Indelible Grace were an anomaly in Christian music. They weren’t out to become famous for sounding like kosher editions of secular bands and they weren’t out to create music for churches that furthered the trend of tunefully sentimentalizing faith. They were out to make music the way jazz musicians once did: by taking a particular canon of songs (in their case, seventeenth and eighteenth century hymns)…

• Daniel Baker • Posted in Bible, Sanctification, Sermons

This summer we have been thinking about Personal Reformation in our sermons. The first series was on change—How Can I Change? The second series, Scandalous Mercy, challenged us in many ways through the Minor Prophet Jonah. The third series of the summer, How Firm a Foundation, will focus on the Bible.

To think rightly and live rightly as Christians we have to think rightly about the Bible. If we get off here, we don't just get off a little bit. We create Grand Canyon-sized gaps in our thinking and living. Before long we will be…

• Daniel Baker • Posted in Books, Women’s Ministry

Another women's book study is beginning, one which will study Trillia Newbell's Fear and Faith: Finding the Peace Your Heart Craves. It is meeting on Monday nights at 7:15pm through the end of August. Here is an excellent review of the book on The Gospel Coalition website:

Trillia Newbell. Fear and Faith: Finding the Peace Your Heart Craves. Chicago, IL: Moody, 2015. 173 pp. $12.99.

A bright college student is sexually assaulted in the middle of the night. A young Christian lady receives a shocking and unwelcome phone call that her sister has suddenly died. An anxious wife…

• Daniel Baker • Posted in Sanctification, Sermons

Some of us grew up with Mr. Miyagi echoing in our minds, "Wax on, wax off. Wax on, wax off." Danny LaRusso eventually learned that this odd counsel had a lot more to it than he thought. 

God's counsel has a similar ring to it, but a vastly different impact: "Put off, put on. Put off, put on." These words come out of Ephesians 4:17-5:2, Sam's text from last Sunday when we finished out our series on on change. One of the key aspects of this passage is the series of "put offs" and "put ons" that we find…

• Daniel Baker • Posted in Bible, Old Testament, Sermons

There aren't many Bible stories that can claim a recent Bruce Springsteen song and a Veggie Tales movie, but Jonah can. And it makes sense. The story offers everything we love: a villainous hero (or is he a heroic villain?), fast-paced action, profound insights about the human condition, and a mesmerizing look at God's scandalous mercy. It is one of the few Old Testament books that seems to speak to everyone—scholar or preschooler, the specialist in Hebrew syntax or one who barely knows English (and it's your mother tongue!).

Of course, the best way…

• Daniel Baker • Posted in News, Sexuality

Mark Prater, Executive Director of Sovereign Grace, wrote on the Orlando shooting yesterday. His post reflects a good combination of compassion for the suffering and help for the Christian as we try to think, act, and speak in a way that rightly reflects our God. You can read it below. One of our sister churches in Orlando pastored by Benny Phillips also wrote on the incident for their blog. Others have offered helpful words: Russell Moore of Southern Seminary wrote for, and Joe Carter crafted a thoughtful post at The Gospel Coalition.…

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401 Upchurch St, Apex, NC 27502

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