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Ken Sande Coming to SGC March 23rd

• Daniel Baker

Posted in Events, Relationships

This March SGC is hosting a one-day seminar by author and conference speaker Ken Sande. Many of us have read and benefitted from his book, The Peacemaker: A Biblical Guide to Resolving Personal Conflict, and its related materials. This March he'll be speaking on a new series of teachings he's developed on Relational Wisdom. Here are the kinds of questions he'll be addressing:

Why do some people seem to have closer and more enduring friendships and marriages than others?
Why do they perform so well in the workplace and advance so quickly in their careers?
How do they maintain such a close and influential connection with their children and relatives?
Why do they seem to have less conflict, and when it does arise, why are they so good at resolving it quickly and completely?
Most importantly, why do they have such a relaxed and appealing Christian witness?

We can all relate to these, and we all want to grow in these areas. Make plans now to attend the seminar and consider inviting a friend, neighbor, or co-worker. More details and a form to register and pay can be found here


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