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• Daniel Baker • Posted in Sermons

Tomorrow we begin our next sermon series, "Introducing...Jesus." We'll be working through the Gospel of Mark over the next months to see various aspects of Jesus Christ. The goal of the series is to both encourage and deepen the faith of those already Christians and to allow easy entry points for those who aren't yet Christians. In each sermon we hope to highlight an aspect of Jesus as he's presented in this distinct historical document.

Mark is the shortest and sharpest of the four gospel witnesses—Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. For much of church history Mark was overlooked since scholars assumed…

• Daniel Baker • Posted in Life in the Church

In case you weren't able to join us yesterday morning, we wanted you to know the new name of the church: Cornerstone Fellowship Church. We're excited about this new chapter in the history of our church.

• Jay Gregus • Posted in Gospel

A reflection on the cross by Jay Gregus:

Step by step, he climbed the hill,
Knowing what it meant, but walking still.
His wounds were deep, but would deepen still, 
till a chiseled tomb...

• Daniel Baker • Posted in Sermons, Service

I mentioned this morning that Deuteronomy gives us seven principles in building a community of concern, a community of people who are caring for one another's needs in ways pleasing to the Lord. Here are those seven.

• Daniel Baker • Posted in Sermons

We had some technical issues Sunday with our sermon on Deuteronomy 5:20, so we decided to put the sermon notes into a blog post.

• Scott Moonen • Posted in Evangelism, Pro-life

Hand of Hope has announced plans for a special walk for life event this year. This year's walk will be a virtual walk to allow for greater flexibility, but it will be coordinated with five other pregnancy centers across the state!

• Daniel Baker • Posted in Coronavirus, Gospel

Over the last few months we’ve gone from the reality of COVID-19 to a global economic upheaval to the death of George Floyd to riots and looting in cities across America. These recent events feel unrelated and distinct, but they aren’t. They’re simply ripple effects of something that happened thousands of years ago and which shapes everything we experience in this world.

• John McLeod • Posted in Church Announcements, Coronavirus

The elders are grateful that the church will be able to begin meeting together again on Sunday mornings. It will be a mixture of praise, joy, gratefulness, and awkwardness. We are glad to be back together, but recognize that the changes in our schedule, physical space, and safety protocols will feel unnatural and frustrating at times.

Thank you for your commitment to bearing with one another and with your leaders as we seek to honor the Lord, provide a safe environment, and encourage one another through gathering together in these strange times.

• Mike Noel • Posted in Coronavirus, Worship

Currently we find ourselves in the midst of a lot of change, especially when it comes to our routines. One thing that doesn’t change is God’s word and the truth contained in it. Jesus told his disciples that if we would abide in his word we would know the truth and it would set us free.  

• Daniel Baker • Posted in Coronavirus

Last week in our sermon we looked at Romans 15, God’s guidance for handling disagreements between Christians. Seems like a worthwhile topic to revisit here.

COVID-19 brings with it a lot of opportunity for disagreements:

  • Should the church follow the government’s orders or practice civil disobedience?
  • Should churches add protocols for COVID or keep things as normal?
  • Who are the medical and public health voices we should listen to?
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We are a church built on the Bible, guided and empowered by the Spirit, striving to make disciples, and pursuing holiness in the context of robust biblical relationships.

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10am on Sundays

401 Upchurch St, Apex, NC 27502

© 2025 Cornerstone Fellowship Church of Apex