• Daniel Baker • Posted in Church Announcements, Coronavirus
It’ll feel a little different to gather while maintaining what we now call “social distance.” This six feet of space we call “social distance” is just a tad farther than normal. It’s basically the distance of a fist bump where you don’t quite land it.
This isn’t brand new, though. If your family had the stomach bug or the flu is blowing through the children’s ministry, you wash your hands a lot. You might even stay out of children’s ministry. Sometimes you don’t shake hands.
• Daniel Baker • Posted in Trinity Fellowship Churches
As of Tuesday night, May 5th, our church became a member of Trinity Fellowship Churches. Our elders signed the Partnership Agreement Friday May 1st and then Tuesday night the General Assembly of TFC voted to receive us. For this post I want to share some of the key aspects of TFC.
• Daniel Baker • Posted in Evangelism
This is the conclusion of our interview with Phil Sasser. For this segment we ask him a number of questions about workplace evangelism, drawing on his years as a pharmacist. Phil proved gifted in being both relational and truth-ful as an evangelist in the workplace. For our interview I asked him for practical advice to help the many of you who work and interact with non-Christians.
• Mike Noel • Posted in Church Announcements, Coronavirus
The quarantine that has occurred over the last seven weeks or so has only increased our love of the fellowship of God’s people as we gather to worship, pray and hear God’s word preached. The elders would appeal to each member of our church to help with the transition that will occur over the next few weeks and months as we begin to gather again and move back to normalcy.
• Daniel Baker • Posted in Coronavirus, Worship
This week our special guest is Phil Sasser, Pastor Emeritus at SGC. We'll post this in two parts. The first has to do with the Sunday gathering, and the second with workplace evangelism. Given Phil's decades in pastoral ministry and his extensive study of the Bible and church history, he has a lot of insight about the Lord's Day gathering and what it means to the life of a Christian. Stayed tuned for the end of the interview for his...candid...advice to parents of young boys about preparing for Sunday worship.
• Daniel Baker • Posted in Coronavirus, Worship
The example of the NT church is that they met on Sunday, the day of Jesus’ resurrection, and they referred to it as “the Lord’s Day.” To come together on the Lord’s Day wasn’t a convenient add-on to living the Christian life. It was one of the essential activities of the Christian:
And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, 25 not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near. (Heb 10:24–25)
• Daniel Baker • Posted in
This is our next installment in the COVID Chronicles, a mid-week encouragement to help us “set your minds on things that are above.” That comes from Colossians 3, and right before this Paul says to “seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God.”
Last Sunday we thought about the resurrection of Jesus Christ, Jesus the King. But the resurrection isn’t where the story ends. There’s also his ascension and coronation.
• Daniel Baker • Posted in Easter
Today marks a convergence that is not easy to process. On one hand we’re in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic and the numbers are continuing to rise. Experts are predicting the numbers to rise into the weekend. Our prayer is that we see the downturn soon. For God to be merciful and to spare lives. Let this plague pass. On the one hand is COVID-19. On the other hand it’s holy week. We’re at Wednesday of the week between Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday. We’re looking ahead to Good Friday and then Resurrection Sunday. There are no days more glorious or more important than the Friday Jesus was crucified and the Sunday he rose again.
• Daniel Baker • Posted in Gospel
Easter falls this year on April 12th, a fairly typical date on the calendar in most years. This year it's right in the middle of a whole set of restrictions surrounding COVID-19. Likely we'll be talking about this Easter for the rest of our lives: "Remember 2020 when all Christians around the world stayed home at Easter."
However, for many of us "stay at home" also means that the pace of life has slowed just a bit. And maybe that means we can prepare for Resurrection Sunday more than we typically do, not less. This post is to help you do that.
• Daniel Baker • Posted in Coronavirus
With hard things coming our way pretty fast it's good to look at God's Word and remember some of the reasons why they do. Otherwise we can miss what God might be up to in our lives. Here are the 12 reasons listed out: