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Church Announcements

• Joy Sasser and Benjamin Tangeman • Posted in Church Announcements, Evangelism, Every-Member Ministry

Unless the Lord does raise the house, in vain it’s builders strive”

Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain. (1 Co 15:58)

As anyone who has been a Christian, or been a part of a local church, for any length of time knows it is the sacrificial service of every member, empowered by the Holy Spirit, that keeps the mission of the church on track. Paul’s exhortation to “always abound in the work of the Lord” has a special clarity to…

• Mike Noel • Posted in Church Announcements

The church will be gathering to pray together on Sunday, April 16th at 6:30 pm. Fred Wolfe will be leading us in using the Psalms as a way to pray. We often look at the book of Psalms as the “worship book” of the Bible. And surely it is. It contains a hundred and fifty psalms that inform us about who God is and how we should praise and worship him. But it is also an excellent means of grace to help us pray in a God centered way. That includes prayers for the Lord to be exalted throughout…

• John McLeod • Posted in Church Announcements, Coronavirus

The elders are grateful that the church will be able to begin meeting together again on Sunday mornings. It will be a mixture of praise, joy, gratefulness, and awkwardness. We are glad to be back together, but recognize that the changes in our schedule, physical space, and safety protocols will feel unnatural and frustrating at times.

Thank you for your commitment to bearing with one another and with your leaders as we seek to honor the Lord, provide a safe environment, and encourage one another through gathering together in these strange times.

• Daniel Baker • Posted in Church Announcements, Coronavirus

It’ll feel a little different to gather while maintaining what we now call “social distance.” This six feet of space we call “social distance” is just a tad farther than normal. It’s basically the distance of a fist bump where you don’t quite land it.

This isn’t brand new, though. If your family had the stomach bug or the flu is blowing through the children’s ministry, you wash your hands a lot. You might even stay out of children’s ministry. Sometimes you don’t shake hands.

• Mike Noel • Posted in Church Announcements, Coronavirus

The quarantine that has occurred over the last seven weeks or so has only increased our love of the fellowship of God’s people as we gather to worship, pray and hear God’s word preached.  The elders would appeal to each member of our church to help with the transition that will occur over the next few weeks and months as we begin to gather again and move back to normalcy. 

• Daniel Baker • Posted in Church Announcements, Suffering

For this installment we look at Isaiah 40 and the way it presents God as both infinite over us and concerned for us. In hard times we need to be confident of both. 

• Daniel Baker • Posted in Church Announcements, Coronavirus

We will not be holding normal Sunday services on March 15th or 22nd. We'll make a decision in the next ten days or so about the Sundays after that. 

We will, however, be streaming our service. The link will be on the home page. You can watch on your computer or SmartTV. Check with your home group leader to see what the plan is for potentially gathering as a home group for a time of worship. We realize different people will have different levels of comfort meeting in groups of any size. Groups will be making their own decisions on this.

• Daniel Baker • Posted in Church Announcements, Coronavirus

As is evident on all media platforms, the impact of the Coronavirus continues to escalate. The elders are trying to discern the right response. We don't pretend to be experts on these matters, and we understand that you might feel the need to be more (or less) conservative than we are. If so, that's fine. Just make sure you're communicating with all the people you need to if you aren't able to serve in a ministry that expects you. 

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We are a church built on the Bible, guided and empowered by the Spirit, striving to make disciples, and pursuing holiness in the context of robust biblical relationships.

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10am on Sundays

401 Upchurch St, Apex, NC 27502

© 2025 Cornerstone Fellowship Church of Apex