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• Posted in Evangelism, Service, Vision

"Mommy, can we start a club where we do things that help people?" my son asked a while ago after we'd dropped off some items at the food pantry in Apex. He loves coming along to donate stuff and seeing what they do there....but he's too young to volunteer because they have minimum age requirements. Eventually we settled on the idea of planning several service opportunities and projects where kids can serve alongside adults and the "Disciples Club" was born!

• Posted in Fellowship, Life in the Church

SGC's first contradance was a great success! Many newbies left at the end of the night saying they had no idea how fun contra was, and all are looking forward to our next contra event in January.

• Posted in Bible, Gospel

Paul’s sentence in Ephesians 1:3-14 is a surprising 257 words, exploring the thought that “God has blessed us” (v3) from the widest angle possible inspiring us all to “the praise of His glory” (v14).

• Posted in Biblical Manhood and Womanhood, Book Reviews, Discipleship

Turns out that duct tape is good for a variety of things—except for sealing ducts. In other words, it is failing in the very task for which it was named. Randy Stinson and Dan Dumas tell us this as they begin their book on manhood and close with this observation: “There’s a lot men can do, but they are struggling to do what they were created for” (p. 3).

• Posted in Life in the Church, Relationships

Here is some great common sense from Dietrich Bonhoeffer's Life Together.

• Posted in Every-Member Ministry, Service, Women’s Ministry

A vital part of our church mission includes a life of discipleship and service enjoyed together. When we grow as Christ’s disciples, we exercise the gifts He’s given us, and Christian ministry is produced. In that way, every one of us has a place of ministry that God is calling us to embrace.

• Posted in Life in the Church, Mission, Service

I spoke with Rick Beech, one of the directors at Habitat for Humanity recently, and he mentioned a new project they have going in Apex for 2013. It sounded like a great opportunity for our church. We would love to partner with them for this project, but we will need someone to act as a facilitator.

• Posted in Church Plant, Evangelism, Life in the Church, Vision

Over the last couple of weeks we've been looking at SGC's vision, answering the question, What is SGC to be about? I hope the answer to that question has been made a bit clearer through these blog posts. But there is one last piece of the puzzle to consider.

• Posted in Life in the Church, Mission, Service, Vision

Let's think about what it means that we serve the needy in our communities, helping God's love to be experienced and not merely heard, encountered and not merely preached. 

• Posted in Discipleship, Evangelism, Life in the Church, Mission, Sanctification, Service, Vision

Everything the Bible records about Jesus—his birth, actions, teachings, miracles, cross, resurrection, etc.—is written with God's Holy Spirit highlighter that says, "Catch this! It is important!" The words about Jesus are not more inspired than the rest of Scripture, but there is a unique importance to them that has appropriately made them central to the church's reading and teaching for two thousand years.

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We are a church built on the Bible, guided and empowered by the Spirit, striving to make disciples, and pursuing holiness in the context of robust biblical relationships.

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10am on Sundays

401 Upchurch St, Apex, NC 27502

© 2024 Cornerstone Fellowship Church of Apex