• Posted in Church Government, Gospel, Life in the Church, Mission, SG, Vision
On Friday the Sovereign Grace churches ratified a whole new way of functioning as a family of churches. We introduced a level of organization that far surpasses anything in our history together. That is, we have many more committees and structures than at any point in our past. The question could rightly be asked in the face of this new labyrinth, "Won't this kill mission?"
• Posted in Church Government, SG, Unity, Vision
Yesterday in what was truly an historical moment for Sovereign Grace, our 67 U.S. churches voted on whether or not they wanted to adopt the new polity proposal.
• Posted in Life in the Church
Just in case you didn't know:
• Posted in Grace, Prayer, Sanctification
We received an excellent submission for the blog from one of our members. We hope that it encourages you!
• Posted in Gospel, Grace, Life in the Church
An experience of grace that we can all relate to as feelings of guilt turn to gratitude.
• Posted in Prayer, Sanctification
Nancy Guthrie at The Gospel Coalition blog provided some good counsel about how to pray for others. The title of her post is "Praying Past Preferred Outcomes," which gives away where she's headed.
• Posted in Art, Books, Gospel
One of the purposes of great art is to bring the overwhelming realities of life and thought within reach of normal, distracted, minds like ours. Without it, the gap between my own wisdom and the wisdom necessary to properly comprehend the wonder and mystery of birth, the changing of seasons, a fire in the hearth, sickness, and death is too wide to measure.
• Posted in Bible, Fellowship, Marriage, Parenting, Women’s Ministry
This spring (2013) many of us went away for an overnight retreat in Wilmington, NC....It was truly a blessing for all who attended.
• Posted in Bible, Discipleship, Life in the Church, Mission, Sermons, Service, Vision, Worship
Yesterday Phil preached on reasons we give our finances to the church. To put it as snappy as Sam Houston did: "When I got baptized, my wallet got baptized, too." One of the sections of the sermon gave a rationale for why Christians should (at least) tithe.
• Posted in Bible, Devotions, Discipleship, Gospel, Sanctification, Suffering
Ten Big realities about God and about us that we all need to hear every morning.