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SGC Serving the Needy - Lisa Strite and With Love from Jesus

Posted in Evangelism, Service, Vision

"Mommy, can we start a club where we do things that help people?" my son asked a while ago after we'd dropped off some items at the food pantry in Apex. He loves coming along to donate stuff and seeing what they do there....but he's too young to volunteer because they have minimum age requirements. Eventually we settled on the idea of planning several service opportunities and projects where kids can serve alongside adults and the "Disciples Club" was born!

For our first project, a group of 24 moms and kids served together at With Love From Jesus. This evangelistic ministry provides food, clothing and household items to those in need in the Raleigh area. Each guest hears the gospel message, has an opportunity to be prayed for and then is able to select a number of food items. They do not always have enough volunteers on weekdays to be able to open the clothing and household item distribution, but with our large group of helpers they were able to do both.

We started the morning by helping prepare the “shopping” area: unloading pallets of bread, rolls, and desserts onto shelves, moving produce into bins, and hanging donated clothing on racks. Some of our younger disciples worked behind the scenes measuring out rice and beans into bags to be given out, while a large group of us bagged the guests' groceries and other items after they finished shopping. Several guests that we chatted with expressed appreciation for all the children they saw working so hard and truly having a great time!

Our children got to see firsthand that there are real needs that we can help meet, right here where we live and that through showing love and meeting people's needs, the gospel that has been proclaimed in words is made more tangible!

If you’re interested in receiving announcements about future activities, please contact Lisa Strite. Announcements will also be posted to the SGC_Homeschool Yahoo! group, but you don’t have to be a homeschooler or even a kid to participate, please join us!

Lisa Strite

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