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• Aaron Kruse • Posted in Bible, Church Plant, Evangelism, Life in the Church, Mission, Vision

Hi! This winter, I will be taking a course called Perspectives that is about the role each believer plays in God's plan to reach the nations. It is put together by the US Center for World Mission, the publishers of Mission Frontiers magazine.

• Joy Sasser • Posted in Discipleship, Evangelism, Events, Every-Member Ministry, Mission, Service

My name is Joy Sasser, and I was one of the 32 from SGC that recently ventured down to Agua Viva Children’s Home in Guatemala. Speaking for the team is tough because everyone took something different away from the experience and of what God did through us and in us. There are a few things I can confidently say from the group.

• Posted in Advent, Book Reviews, Books, Devotions, Evangelism, Family, Life in the Church, Parenting

by Cassie Sasser

A Resource for Advent

Marty Machowski and Sovereign Grace Music have given us two new resources to help us see the Christ Child and the risen Savior in the Prepare Him Room advent book and the Christmas CD of the same name.  I say “to help us”, because isn’t it the case with all thoughtful Christian material for children that we all (both the child and the adult who has the privilege of reading it to him) grow deeper in our understanding of the Savior?

As our own family life began, over 45 years ago, one of…

• Daniel Baker • Posted in Evangelism, Mission, Service

The world’s first widespread Ebola epidemic has ravaged three neighboring West African countries: Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea, with Liberia currently experiencing the brunt of this deadly epidemic. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) puts the number of infections at 8,033 and the number of deaths at 3,865(As of October 5, 2014 -, October 9, 2014). Moreover, the CDC states that cases in Liberia are doubling every 15-20 days, while those in Sierra Leone and Guinea are doubling every 30-40 days. Without additional intervention programs or changes in community behavior, the CDC predicts there may be…

• Daniel Ramsay • Posted in Every-Member Ministry, Mission, Service

From Daniel Baker: I asked Daniel Ramsay to write this for the church. It will be followed up by a second post that gives more detail on SIM's work in fighting Ebola. I hope you will consider playing some role in this situation.

Dear church members,

I know that Ebola has become a topic that all media is reporting on, and we are now getting saturated with news about it 24/7, particularly with the new cases in the United States.  Rather than looking at what is going on here, which I hope our government will act strongly to curtail,…

• Daniel Baker • Posted in Attributes of God, Bible, Sermons, Theology

This morning in our sermon we're looking at the names of God from Psalm 86. Specifically we're looking at God's name, Adonai. It means, "my Master." To help us appreciate how David the Psalmist would have used the names of God, I switched out the English translations of God's names for the Hebrew originals. Sometimes it helps us to do this in our minds as we read the Old Testament to cause us to slow down and reflect on how much God's names reveal about him. Here is Psalm 86:

Psalm 86
A Prayer of David.

• Daniel Baker • Posted in Pro-life

Hand of Hope Pregnancy Center is having their fundraising dinner on Thursday November 6th. If you would like to sponsor a table (which simply means recruiting people to come and sit at your table) or if you would just like to attend contact them at [email protected].

• Posted in Purity, Relationships, Sanctification

Encouraging and challenging words from Jeff Purswell:

Some hindrances impede us; but sin entangles us. Other hindrances weigh you down; sin will bring you down. You can’t run the race and cherish sin. You can’t run the race and cultivate sin. You can’t run the race and indulge in sin. You can’t run the race and be apathetic toward sin. That’s why we need the local church. Look around and you will see that there are runners everywhere, ready to help. Earlier the author of Hebrews wrote, “And let us consider how to stir up one another to…

• Daniel Baker • Posted in Books, Devotions, SG, Worship

This is from the SG blog regarding their new album and devotional:

We recently announced that there is a new Christmas album from Sovereign Grace Music called Prepare Him Room. In that post, we said that there are some other exciting resources accompanying the album (by the same name): a family devotional and a classroom curriculum.

Marty Machowski wrote the devotional and curriculum while Bob Kauflin partnered with him by overseeing the creation of the album. So, I took the opportunity to ask these men some questions to give you a more behind-the-scenes look:

How long does…

• Daniel Baker • Posted in Bible, Evangelism, Every-Member Ministry, Mission, Vision

This afternoon I spent time with Benjamin Tangeman at the Cary office of Trans World Radio. Ben has been working for them for years and has been connected to them through his parents and grandparents for decades (he spent his first ten years on the island of Bonaire, while his parents worked for TWR). It was an inspiring look into a ministry I knew virtually nothing about.

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