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• Caroline Gregus • Posted in Art, Uncategorized, Worship, Youth Ministry

Upon a cross of wood You died for me,
Under the weight of all my sin and shame
While I Your enemy was still to be.
I cursed and scoffed and mocked Your very name....

• Mike Marshall • Posted in

A couple years ago Mike Marshall did a blog for us on God's grace. He mentions the change of heart he had at the funeral of a deceased friend. It seemed a fitting blog to post this week as we mourn his loss but celebrate God's grace at work in his life.

• Daniel Baker • Posted in Bible, Book of Revelation, Eschatology, Old Testament, Theology

In our last post we introduced Daniel's seventy weeks, this mysterious reference from Daniel 9:24-27. It is often used as a defense of a 7-year time of hardship called "the great tribulation." Yet, we are taking a different approach to the passage. We began with verse 24 yesterday, and today we will look at the rest of the passage going verse-by-verse.

• Daniel Baker • Posted in Bible, Book of Revelation, Eschatology, Old Testament, Theology

If you've read much of anything connected to the end times, you've likely heard about "the great tribulation." Or maybe you've even heard about Daniel's 70 weeks. These issues are connected to our view of the end times or eschatology, "the study of the last things." All of this can be endlessly fascinating but also wildly speculative. Arriving at solid conclusions from the biblical text can be difficult at times, impossible at others. Here we want to examine one piece of this complex puzzle, Daniel 9:24-27.

• Carla Monroe • Posted in Every-Member Ministry, Family, Fellowship, Life in the Church, Marriage, Suffering

Just under three years ago our church lost Scott Monroe, but our collective loss was nothing compared to what the Monroe family experienced themselves. It taught all of us a great deal about the earthly side of death—a side very different from the heavenly side of it that Scott joyfully experienced in a brilliant moment. As a church we are still learning how to come alongside those who have faced trials and tragedies very different from our own, but this is what Christian love and compassion call us to do. In this note from Carla, she shares something of the way the church has entered into her suffering these last several years. We hope it is both encouraging and challenging for you.

• Daniel Baker • Posted in Bible, Life in the Church, New Testament, Old Testament, Worship

This Sunday morning we have the opportunity to do something unique, life-changing, vitally important to every facet of our life, and also mysterious: We can draw near to God. James 4:8 says, "draw near to God, and he will draw near to you." The author of Hebrews calls us to "draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith" (10:22).

• Daniel Baker • Posted in Bible, Book of Revelation, Theology

This past Sunday I preached on the seven seals from Revelation 6-8. In the sermon I touched on the 144,000 from 7:4-8 and said that they represented all the elect from the nation of Israel (with the new covenant people represented by 7:9ff.). Well, that wasn't correct. Looking again at this symbolic group, I missed a key parallel text in Revelation 14:1-3:

• Phil Sasser • Posted in Bible, Life in the Church, Worship

Phil wrote this for the Sovereign Grace blog. It is an excellent piece on the importance and meaning of our singing. He is also commending a sermon by Bob Kauflin in this post.

• John McLeod • Posted in Worship

Jonathan introduced a new song last Sunday which we will be singing more during our study through the Book of Revelation. We hope you will take time to listen and enjoy.
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401 Upchurch St, Apex, NC 27502

© 2025 Cornerstone Fellowship Church of Apex