• Posted in Books, Gospel, Theology
"Here is something marvelous: the Son of God descended from heaven in such a way that, without leaving heaven, he willed to be borne in the virgin’s womb, to go about the earth, and to hang upon the cross; yet he continuously filled the world even as he had done from the beginning!"John Calvin, The Institutes, Book II, Chapter 13, section 4
The voices in our lives speak from TV shows like Breaking Bad and through movies and even classic forms like newspapers and the radio (that thing your parents play in the car sometimes). Many of these voices have an emphatic opinion, a stance on truth, and a worldview that they want you to adopt....As Christians in a world as filled with voices as ours is, we must—we absolutely must—have an ear for God’s Word.
• Posted in Sermons
Some weeks back we posted our preaching schedule for the Samuel-Kings sermon series. After a couple sermons of preaching some massive texts, we decided to keep our sermons to a single chapter and to cut the series after 2 Samuel. So, here is the new preaching schedule:
• Posted in Bible, Every-Member Ministry, Life in the Church, Mission, Service, Unity, Vision
Dave Burnett serves us as our Deacon of Benevolence. In this post he invites us into that role and explains how he does it. As elders we have so appreciated his service, and we have seen time again that his wisdom and compassion bring great blessing to others.
• Posted in Church Plant, Evangelism, Events, Every-Member Ministry, Fellowship, Life in the Church, Mission, Service, Vision
A few weeks ago we had our 2013 Family Meeting, a time to annually come together and think about the past year and the year ahead. This year we felt particularly led to focus on the year ahead. God is doing great things in our church, and we wanted to cast vision along those lines.
• Posted in Church Plant, News
Money Magazine has ranked Apex, North Carolina #9 (out of 50) in its list of the best small towns to live in. Here's what they said about our town of 40,000 people:
• Posted in Every-Member Ministry, Family, Youth Ministry
Tom Heck, who serves in our high school ministry, sent this note to the group today. He mentions the new video curriculum they're using and gives a great encouragement to our young adults (and the rest of us!)
• Posted in Books, Discipleship, Women’s Ministry
As we've mentioned over the last few weeks, we have several book and Bible studies available for our ladies to enjoy together this fall.
• Posted in Gospel
Over the last couple days we've examined this phrase "gospel-centered" and seen that it rightly reminds us to keep the good news about Jesus Christ at the center of our teaching, discipleship, and life with the Lord. But there is something else we need to think about in this discussion: Is the gospel we have placed at the center complete? Are we thinking of the gospel in large enough terms? Or are we taking only a part of it and treating it like the whole?
• Posted in Gospel
Okay, so in our last post we looked at how the phrase "gospel-centered" gets used frequently these days. It is a wonderful phrase, and because of that we want to understand it and use it intentionally.