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Are You Serving Others or Really Yourself?

• Daniel Baker

Posted in Every-Member Ministry, Sermons, Service

Sunday we looked at the shocking act of service Jesus did when he washed the feet of the disciples. We considered the marvel of God in Christ stooping to wash the dirty feet of creatures he had made, the humility of Jesus cleaning and drying the feet of Judas Iscariot, the one who would betray him. Jesus did this to show what kind of life we are to live toward our brothers and sisters in the church: "If I then, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another's feet" (John 13:14). The way we do this is to perform humble acts of service toward others that meet real needs. That's how we "wash one another's feet." Jesus' model lets us know that no service is beneath us and that no person has too high a position to be exempt from this. But then there are passages like Acts 6 where these same apostles say they can't give themselves to the ministry of tables because they are called to the ministry of the Word of God and prayer (6:2, 4). Such passages help us see that all service to others is ultimately under our service to God. Our primary allegiance to the Lord helps us sort through in a given situation what service we are called to and what we are not called to. 

At the end we read through a set of questions to help us evaluate our own service of others: 

  • Am I afraid to serve because I'm afraid someone will take advantage of me? (you mean, like a Judas?)
  • Do I lack joy because I think my service is less important than others? (we all serve the King of kings and no service to him is in obscurity; he sees it all!)
  • Is there someone who is a particular challenge for me to serve?
  • Is there a particular way I can humble myself to serve him/her? (a note of encouragement, a gift, a practical need of his/hers you can meet)
  • Is there a particular way I need to serve in a way I feel is "beneath" me for the purpose of putting pride to death?
  • Is my service to others really serving myself—because of what others will give me in return?
  • Am I serving to please God or others or myself?

May the Lord help us to grow our church in being true servants who serve for the glory of our King.


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