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• Joy Sasser • Posted in Evangelism, Mission

In our first-world, developed society reading is almost becoming a lost art. In Tanzania’s rural, functionally illiterate society, reading is yet to be found. This summer Oliver, Henry, and I, along with my father (Tim Neet) and another gentleman (Rod Johns), will be going over to the Kilimanjaro region of Tanzania to spend time with the students and faculty at Siha Leadership Academy. We will be sharing with them problem solving strategies through creative and critical thinking using literature, LEGOs, and logic puzzles.

• Daniel Baker • Posted in Evangelism

New York Times, USA Today, and the BBC ran obituaries the day Billy Graham died. Various evangelical voices are adding their reflections on this historical and often controversial North Carolinian. The Billy Graham Center at Wheaton has a good biography of his life on their site. It is estimated that he preached to 250 million people in his lifetime as an evangelist. He is known for preaching an uncompromised gospel at a time when compromise was infecting the American church in massive proportions.

• Mike Noel • Posted in Evangelism, Eteam

The Eteam wants to encourage the church by passing on reports of different ways SGC members are sharing the gospel and inviting others to church. It’s always exciting to hear of the ways God works through his people. It also encourages us that we can do the same. Here are  testimonies from two ladies in our church:

• Lynne Yacobellis • Posted in Evangelism, Gospel, Life in the Church

A testimony of one woman's conversion, demonstrating the impact loving our neighbors can have and the peace and comfort that can be found in Christ.

• Lui Bright • Posted in Evangelism, Every-Member Ministry, Mission

I would like to share with you a little bit about my beloved home country, Japan. I am mostly Japanese with a mix of Chinese and Caucasian. I was born in Japan and grew up there until I was 11 years old. Although I had always had a special love for Japan, I had very little contact with the Japanese community and the culture after I moved to the states. Even after I became a believer and I began praying for and reaching out to unbelievers, I did not have any special focus on the Japanese. It was not until I heard about the tsunami in Fukuoka in 2011 that the Lord put a special burden on my heart for Japan and it’s people.

• Daniel Baker • Posted in Discipleship, Evangelism

Last Sunday Phil spent a few minutes at the start of his sermon introducing his class on apologetics. The class starts tomorrow night at 7:00pm, and you can sign up here. Apologetics is not apologizing for the faith, though the words look similar. It is the study of defending the faith....

• Donald Whitney • Posted in Books, Evangelism

Here is an excerpt from Donald Whitney's book Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life, which we'll be using for our fall Sunday morning class on the spiritual disciplines.

• Colin Marshall and Tony Payne • Posted in Books, Discipleship, Evangelism, Every-Member Ministry, Life in the Church, Theology

A quote from The Trellis and the Vine: The Ministry Mind-Shift that Changes Everything, by Colin Marshall and Tony Payne.

• Tim Chester and Steve Timmis • Posted in Evangelism, Every-Member Ministry, Life in the Church, Mission

"Not all of us are eloquent or engaging. Not everyone can think on their feet. Some people are simply not good at speaking to strangers and forming new friendships. One of the practical benefits of the three-strand model of evangelism [building relationships, sharing the gospel, introducing people to community] is that it gives a role to all of God's people. By making evangelism a community project, it also takes seriously the sovereign work of the Holy Spirit in distributing a variety of gifts among his people. Everyone has a part to play--the new Christian, the introvert, the extrovert, the eloquent,…

• Daniel Baker • Posted in Evangelism, Mission, SG, Vision

This past Sunday a group of us met for what we called a "missions round table." The point of the meeting was to talk with others at SGC who are especially interested in the cause of foreign missions. We all agreed that the gathering was encouraging and exciting. God is accomplishing his purposes throughout the world, and it is a joy to hear about some of that. (Don't miss the end of this post where I explain who was there and what they contributed.)


We began with a brief look at the Bible's promises regarding…

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