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A Vision for Our Children’s Ministry

• Daniel Baker

Posted in Childrens Ministry, Service

“We will not hide them from their children, but tell to the coming generation the glorious deeds of the LORD, and his might, and the wonders that he has done” (Psalm 78:4)

Each week dozens of men and women (and young men and women) give up hours of their Sunday morning to minister the Word of God to the next generation of the church. Why go to such effort? There are (at least) four reasons.

Evangelism and Discipleship

First is the great cause of evangelism and discipleship. To minister the Word of God to a listening ear and an eternal soul is one of the great privileges we have as Christians. Sometimes we are the last link in the chain that leads to their salvation. But even if not, we become part of the great parade of witnesses that a child has which has a profound shaping influence on him. It is like the way a river works on a canyon floor, working away even the hardest of substances to allow the waters to flow.

Our children’s ministry takes the living Word and adapts it to their age and development for greatest impact. The curriculum is a three-year cycle of the Old Testament and New Testament which gets reinforced several times during their years in children’s ministry.


A second reason to invest in our children’s ministry is for the sake of our guests. Historically one of the attractions for many to SGC is the strength of the children’s ministry. Many have experienced children’s ministries where the emphasis is more on entertainment than discipleship, and they have routinely appreciated the level of Bible teaching in our children’s ministry.  


A third reason is for the sake of our own parents. It is a great help to create a safe, Bible-saturated environment for our children to free up our parents to hear the Word of God taught in an undistracted manner. For our parents of young children, “undistracted” might not be the word you would choose for Sunday mornings! But the children’s ministry can be a great way to have your arms lifted at least for a few minutes in the cause of discipling your children.

Using Our Gifts

A fourth reason is for the sake of our volunteers. Many of us feel called to teach and serve and be invested in our youngest members. The children’s ministry provides a great outlet to step out in our gifting, whether for teenagers or adult members. If your gifts are administrative or artistic or holding babies, there are many places in this area for you.

There is much more we could add, but this gives at least a few reasons for our children's ministry. Please don't hesitate to let the elders know ways we could strengthen this aspect of church life. And for those of you who routinely serve in this area, thank you. We appreciate your work! 


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