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As You Go, Make Disciples Together!

• Mark Knetsch (Pastor of ResLife Church)

Posted in Evangelism, Events, Mission, Service

Missions:Together. It' something you've heard about. It's that thing Benjamin has talked about, and travels to D.C. and New York for. But you're probably still wondering: what exactly is M:T, and why should I care about this event on November 2nd? To help answer that question Mark Knetsch, the pastor of Resurrection Life Church (ResLife) at Apex Middle School and the visionary director for M:T has offered some helpful insight.

"Honestly, I sometimes hesitate to answer what M:T is, because I don’t want to come across like a salesman. As a church planter, I have given a pitch or two, but I have also experienced the necessity of collaboration. I truly believe in the collaborative efforts at M:T, and I want to share from the heart about why this matters to me—because I assume it already matters to you.

M:T seeks to bring people together across denominational lines for the sake of the Great Commission. It’s about connecting Christians who feel called to serve but aren’t sure where to start. We ask questions like:

  • "How can they more effectively mobilize, train, and challenge our people for mission?"
  • "How are parachurch ministries connected, which ones are driven with a gospel-centered vision, and how do we plug our people into them?"
  • "How can we mobilize the gifts, talents, and resources from our own congregational members into ministry opportunities led by other churches?"
  • "What does it look like to erode the barriers of isolationism and territorialism in order to model unity to our communities?"
  • "How can we unite in prayer to spark more efforts to serve the needs of this world, to share the love of Jesus, and to experience new converts of Christ?"
  • "How can we do this with a sending attitude rather than a preserving-our-own attitude?"

One of my greatest ministry joys has been praying twice a month with pastors from different denominations. That time together has created a beautiful sense of unity. I’d love for my own congregational members to experience that same kind of intimate connection. M:T exists to foster these relational, missional, and prayerful links.

We believe the Holy Spirit accelerates mission through gospel unity. The Holy Spirit leads and empowers. We want to see the Body of Christ move together like well-connected joints, where each ligament walks in harmony for the sake of mission. Here are some of our missional values as a collaborative movement:

  • Prayer is our strategy.
  • We don’t compete—we complete.
  • The gospel is our front door.
  • Help on the go.

While we don’t have all the answers yet, this collective is gaining momentum, and it’s truly exciting! Our invitation is for you and your people to join in this excitement. M:T isn’t just for pastors; it’s for our people to experience the relational glue we already have through the blood of Jesus. Our Gathering on November 2 (from 9:00 AM to 2:30 PM at Summit Apex) is an opportunity to build relationships with purpose, as we work together to live out the Great Commission near and far.

This year’s theme is “Not a Competition.” Ministry is not about egos or logos. It’s about leveraging the unity we already have in Christ to accelerate God’s mission of reconciliation through Jesus.

If this vision for M:T resonates with you, we’d love for you to get involved, volunteer, and encourage your people to join us on November 2 from 9-2:30 at Summit Apex. The next step includes registering at and inviting your people to do the same. Here are some final things to consider if you're on the fence about participating.

Key Benefits: Value for Pastors, Congregations and Individuals

  • M:T helps you find your next place of mission, whether it’s across the street or across the ocean. We help you pack for that trip. 
  • M:T connects you to trusted ministry partners and equips you with practical tools, so you’re ready to go.
  • We help you develop your “Missional Why” and places you in a network of passionate practitioners 
  • Meet and connect with 20+ organizations on Nov. 2
  • Be sent out with something in hand to carry you to your next assignment
  • Go with the prayers, support and accountability of like-minded believers
  • This gathering is for you AND your crew. Come with friends!
  • Pastor, M:T amplifies your ministry by helping your people grow in knowledge of and obedience to the Great Commission.
  • A healthy church is a growing and going church. M:T helps you develop both.

In Christ,
Mark Knetsch"

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401 Upchurch St, Apex, NC 27502

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