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• Katrina Walker, Isaac Walker, Janelle Walker • Posted in Mission

"Returning With Purpose "

As Isaac and I prepared to travel to visit our missionary friends, the Howes, and participate in their work of sharing the gospel in Peru, we asked ourselves these forward-looking questions:

  • How will I steward with gratitude and faithful prayers the experience and investment of time and money to learn about God’s work in Peru?
  • What can I do to nurture the change so that it sticks with me?

Many people prayed. Many people gave. God united our hearts with purposefulness, joining our dear missionary friends in their daily lives, and then wove our…

• Daniel Baker • Posted in Theology

A couple weeks ago I presented a paper at the Southeast Regional meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society. It was on the topic of the “covenant of grace” and how Genesis 3:15 relates to it. I’ll give you a summary of my argument below, but you can also read the full paper here. Presenting papers in a setting like the ETS meeting with questions asked and feedback given always sharpens the work and reveals ways to improve it.

Genesis 3:15 is sometimes called the protoevangelium because it's "the first gospel," the first promise from God about Christ redeeming us from sin and…

• Benjamin Tangeman • Posted in

As you have probably heard from an earlier email, and last Sunday's annoucements, Cornerstone is looking for a new Administrative Assistant. The job will be 24 hours/week, in the church office. Here is a little about the position.

The Administrative Assistant reports to the Church Administrator and supports him and the office staff of Cornerstone Fellowship Church (CFC) by creating a welcoming and efficient office environment, assisting with operational tasks and responsibilities, and caring for the needs of the church necessary to accomplish the church’s mission according to the vision and core values of the pastors, and the role as…

• Daniel Baker • Posted in Sermons

On Sunday morning I skipped my third point for the sake of time. Let me take a few minutes here and give you that material.

First I need to set it up. I was preaching on Genesis 15 and 17, the two main chapters of the Abrahamic covenant. We looked at these chapters to show us what a life of faith looks like.

Faith is believing God’s words and deeds (his deeds as interpreted by his words). Faith is a singular thing, but it also contains elements that are helpful to parse out. It incudes understanding. You have to…

• Daniel Baker • Posted in Biblical Manhood and Womanhood

I am a woman trapped in a man’s body.

Carl Trueman opens his recent book with this sentence, and explains that his book is basically an attempt to understand how such a sentence has come to be meaningful in our day. He starts by saying his grandfather who died in 1994 wouldn’t have understood it at all like we do today. 

His sentence brings together two ideas in tight fashion: "I am a woman trapped" refers to the concept of gender, but "a man's body" refers to the concept of biological sex. And then in the sentence is the assumption that a person's perceived gender can be different from his or her biological sex, in this case the gender being female and the biological sex being male. A growing number of people in our culture would affirm such ideas. As Benjamin said in his sermon on transgenderism, many in our day would assume the following:

  • Society determines what gender is, and it’s not connected to biological sex.
  • The social construct of gender is used to oppress individuals.
  • The individual has the right to decide which gender they are based on their desires.

This post is a response to such ideas but in an indirect fashion. I’ll do so by working toward a definition of a man and a woman.

• Joy Sasser and Benjamin Tangeman • Posted in Church Announcements, Evangelism, Every-Member Ministry

Unless the Lord does raise the house, in vain it’s builders strive”

Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain. (1 Co 15:58)

As anyone who has been a Christian, or been a part of a local church, for any length of time knows it is the sacrificial service of every member, empowered by the Holy Spirit, that keeps the mission of the church on track. Paul’s exhortation to “always abound in the work of the Lord” has a special clarity to…

• Ken Auer • Posted in Evangelism, Mission

Earlier this fall Ken Auer travelled to Tanzania and Zambia to explore future ministry opportunities. He was accompanied by Henri and Chimelle Kadima, friends of ours who used to attend Cornerstone but are now leading a church in Garner called International Group of Friends of Christ (GRIAC for short, from the French name of the church). We asked Ken to write a report about his trip. In December we'll have a reception for him, where he'll be able to say a little more. 

• Daniel Baker • Posted in Discipleship

We are beginning our first of three Caffeinated History classes at church. Why church history? Few things bring together human interest, lessons for life, and insights from the Bible like church history. When you look at how God's people—our people—have faced challenges in their day and had to figure out what Christian faithfulness required, you come away better equipped to handle what God brings our way. 

• Daniel Baker • Posted in Bible, Sermons

The beginning of everything except God himself is found in this book we call “Genesis.” It is at once thrilling and intimidating to dive into this book, for “the truth—and this may sound shocking—is that almost every important church doctrine is found in ‘seed’ form in the book of Genesis.”[1]

The title of the book is a word that has come to mean “origin” or “source” in English just because of this Old Testament book. It was called genesis in the Greek Old Testament, because the word is found in key places throughout the book (2:4; 5:1; 6:9;…

• Daniel Baker • Posted in Evangelism

Last week in Mike's sermon he offered a set of simple questions that can be used to turn a conversation into a gospel conversation. I mention this for two reasons. One is to serve as a reminder that our sermon pages include a full manuscript of the sermons (at least, most of the time). And second, these questions are really helpful. After an excerpt from Mike's sermon I'll mention an opportunity where you can put these into practice. 

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