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Updates on the Next Several Weeks

• Daniel Baker

Posted in Church Announcements, Coronavirus

Brothers and sisters and those in our community, 

SGC will not be holding normal Sunday services on March 15th or 22nd. We'll make a decision in the next ten days or so about the Sundays after that. 

We will, however, be streaming our service. The link will be on the home page. You can watch on your computer or SmartTV. Check with your home group leader to see what the plan is for potentially gathering as a home group for a time of worship. We realize different people will have different levels of comfort meeting in groups of any size. Groups will be making their own decisions on this.

In terms of communication throughout this season, the church blog and emails are the key means of communication. This may change, but for now this is the plan. Register for the newsletter if you don't receive it currently. 


In this time of a hundred practical issues, it's good to stop and consider what serving others might look like. Here are a few thoughts: 

Set up ways to stay in contact with people if you aren't physically able to be together. Is there an online or texting group you could set up with your home group/Bible study if you don't already have one? Or go old school and give someone a call to pray with him and ask how he's doing. 

This season presents a unique opportunity to love your neighbor. As one brother encouraged us,  “Remind and encourage one another to be extra diligent to those in our church, and our actual real neighbors, who may be quarantined, or need supplies or meals etc., to find out and help them. This is a perfect time to actually love our neighbors.”


Finally, press in to the Lord: "Cast all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you" (1 Peter 5:7)
As you or those you're connected to face financial challenges or physical challenges in this season, we can all be tempted toward selfishness and isolation and anxiety. Continue to strengthen yourself in the Lord "because he cares for you." 

We will miss being together tomorrow morning with most of you, but we trust God will meet your where you are. It will make the reunion even sweeter when the church family gathers again in a few weeks, Lord willing. 


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We are a church built on the Bible, guided and empowered by the Spirit, striving to make disciples, and pursuing holiness in the context of robust biblical relationships.

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10am on Sundays

401 Upchurch St, Apex, NC 27502

© 2025 Cornerstone Fellowship Church of Apex