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A Woman's Heart for Troubled Teens

Posted in Evangelism, Forgiveness, Gospel, Life in the Church, Mission, Vision

Missy Schlax sent this testimony about her work with troubled teens in Cary. It's a great example of putting your faith into action with the opportunities that God brings.

Well, when I moved home I was working at an Equine Assisted Psychotherapy Program for at risk teenage girls called CORRAL ( I realized that I really wanted to position myself to be able to take in Foster children in the next year or two, so I ended up changing jobs, but I love the program and their ministry to the girls. I developed relationships with the girls during the months I worked there and could see how desperately they needed more spiritual discipleship. The program is Christian, but only incorporates a short devotional in the mornings.

I started an optional Bible Study with the girls and provide dinner as motivation for them to stay and for their parents to let them stay. It started out with 2 girls and now there are 4 that come regularly and a 5th girl might start this week. They have some random bible knowledge, but is is so out of context and usually completely opposite of biblical.

We started with a teen version of JD Greer's Gospel study. We are now just working through one of the gospels and addressing questions as they surface. The girls seem to really enjoy just being able to ask their questions and talk about things.

God is obviously working in several of the girls lives and as they have asked Him to reveal himself to them, they keep coming back with stories of little things in daily life that they now recognize as God's provision or reminders of his care for them.

To be honest I have always struggled working with teens, and I never feel prepared or have any idea what I am doing, but God is so obviously at work, and I am just blessed to be a part of what happens each week.

Several other ladies from church (Joy Burnett, Pam Shelor, Rebekah Taylor, Abbey Schlax, Sherri Schlax, and Katherine Sutton) have been helping me. I cannot be there alone with the girls and so always have someone volunteer to come with me, and sometimes they help provide dinner so that I don't have to do it every week.

Everyone who has come has been so blessed to see the girls and their desire to learn. It is very different from working with our church kids, but it is so exciting to be able to share Jesus with girls who really didn't know what the true gospel was before this!

I am always looking for volunteers to come with me or buy/cook dinner for the bible study! If anyone would like to help they can just send me an email. (Saturdays from 4:45 - 6:15).

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