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“What is Faith?” – a poem by Jackie Curtis

• Jackie Curtis

Posted in Art, Uncategorized, Worship, Youth Ministry

Faith means our hoping
And confidently knowing
That God's promises are true,
And he will see them all through.
It's believing that all things,
No matter how they might seem,
Are all a part of the perfect plan
That's worked by God's own mighty hand.

Faith means letting go
And giving God control;
It's surrendering our ideas
And giving him all our fears.
Then, this seeming loss of power
Will prepare us for the hour
When we discover that we cannot–
In ourselves-accomplish a whole lot.

Faith means believing–
And also receiving–
The promises of Scripture
And the gifts of the Savior.
It's trusting that the blood of Christ
Is all it takes to change our lives;
It's accepting that we, in ourselves,
Can earn nothing better than hell.

Faith means embracing
A life aimed at racing
To a goal that's not of earth,
But one of heavenly worth.
It's gazing on God alone,
Knowing that heaven is home;
It's living every single day
So we honor God in every way.

Faith means clarity–
Amidst our uncertainty–
That no pain or trial or loss
Could ever negate the cross.
It's not a life of easy fun
That we hang our faith upon;
Faith depends only on who God is:
He is perfect, and we are his.
Only through faith can we truly know
How deep and wide, how high and low
How priceless and how very precious
Is the love that God so freely gives us.
Only through faith can we truly find
The meaning and purpose of our lives.
And only through faith can we truly see
The completion of all that he would have us be.
More than anything, faith is a gift;
Without God's grace, we'd totally miss
This amazing and priceless expression
Of the love of our Father in heaven.
So let's never forget to give God thanks
For the faith that prepares us for all that we'll face;
Let's honor the One who sovereignly reigns;
And worship and praise his glorious name!

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401 Upchurch St, Apex, NC 27502

© 2025 Cornerstone Fellowship Church of Apex