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The Vision of SGC (Part 1 - The Statement)

Posted in Life in the Church, Vision

Over the last several months the elders of SGC have felt compelled by the Lord to be more specific about what God has called SGC to be about. Many voices have spoken prophetically and directly that God is going to do great things in our church, but part of this requires a clear sense of vision.

No two churches are exactly alike. He has assembled a unique set of leaders and members in this place at this time. So the question for us has been, what does God want to do in our church?

As the elders worked through this question at two retreats and in several discussions, some themes began to emerge that reflect who we are and what God has been doing here for years. Yet, it is still helpful to clarify our vision, even if not all of it is particularly new.

Here is a statement that captures what we believe God is doing here at SGC:

We are a community of believers in Jesus Christ that seeks to be gospel-centered, Bible-saturated, and Spirit-empowered as we worship God, love one another, grow as disciples, serve the needy, and evangelize the lost.

This vision statement says a lot: We are a gospel-centered community. We are committed to worship. We are committed to a life of fellowship—a shared life. We are committed to growth, which means being disciples who are making disciples. We do this through the Spirit of God and built on the Word of God. And we desire to be a church-planting church, to have this be a thread that works its way throughout our planning and praying and building.

We will take some time in this series of blogs to unpack these ideas more, and in August we will be preaching a series of sermons that unpack them even more. We hope you find this as exciting and encouraging as we do.

"The LORD has done great things for us; we are glad." Ps. 126:3


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We are a church built on the Bible, guided and empowered by the Spirit, striving to make disciples, and pursuing holiness in the context of robust biblical relationships.

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