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How Does the Senior Pastor Function Within the Eldership?

• John McLeod

Posted in Church Government, Life in the Church

Last Sunday during announcements I shared some things regarding the upcoming senior pastor transition at SGC. Here I want to revisit a few of those for the sake of those who weren't there.

An Overview

The elders announced at the September Family meeting that we believe it is time to make a transition to a new Senior Pastor and that we are persuaded that Daniel Baker should be that next Senior Pastor at Sovereign Grace Church. The plan is for us to transition to a new Senior Pastor at the beginning of 2016, which will also coincide with Phil switching to part-time status on the staff to allow him to slow down a bit.

We have requested that you all consider giving your feedback to the elders throughout the months of October and November. Then, the elders will take up the matter again for final consideration in December.

The elders want to take the opportunity of this upcoming change to explain our understanding of how the eldership functions at Sovereign Grace Church. So, we have planned a few opportunities to speak briefly on Sunday mornings about it. Two weeks ago, Phil spoke to us about the importance of having a robust plurality. He emphasized the biblical evidence for a plurality of elders in a church, as well as the priority of plurality in this church’s history. Phil posted this on a blog post on Friday if you missed his announcement. My emphasis is...

What is the role of the Lead Pastor (or Senior Pastor) within the eldership?

We recognize that different churches, denominations, and elderships place varying amounts of emphasis on the role of Senior Pastor. The Sovereign Grace Book of Church Order reminds us that this is not a biblical office per se and does not even require that churches have a senior pastor.

And though we do have the role of Senior Pastor or Lead Pastor here at Sovereign Grace Church, it might be different than what you might be used to if you come from a different church background. It might even be different than you expect though you’ve been a member here for years. Phil summarized it well in his post:

Keep in mind that the Senior Pastor designation is not the selection of the one man who leads the church, but rather the selection by the elders of one of their number to lead their team—this particular team of elders.

Here are some excerpts from the new Member Handbook that we distributed at the Family Meeting in September.

The precise nature of the role of the Lead Pastor in the Church may vary depending on the maturity of an eldership, the range of gifts on the team, the level of specialization on the team, and various other factors. The eldership will adjust the role of the Lead Pastor to match his job description as needed. Generally, the Lead Pastor at the Church shall be expected to:

  • Provide doctrinal leadership through a prominent teaching role
  • Develop the eldership into a cohesive leadership team
  • Provide pastoral care for the eldership
  • Facilitate decision-making by serving as Chairman of the Board of local elders, or by ensuring that another elder is so tasked
  • Identify and deploy spiritual gifts among the elders in consultation with the other elders
  • Encourage efficiency on the Eldership
  • Coordinate elder training
  • Act as the normal spokesman for the elders

The elders believe that this list from our bylaws (which is also in our denominational Book of Church Order) is very appropriate and accurate to describe some of the ways that we see Daniel gifted to lead our eldership. Daniel has already shown a great deal of initiative in many of these areas, to the good of the team and the good of the church.

Notice that this doesn’t say that the Lead Pastor sets the vision or direction for the church or that he uses his position to get his own way within the eldership. Instead, we have a great deal of deference within the eldership for one another’s giftings, wisdom, and experience.

Here are some ways that Daniel has already been serving the eldership:

  • preparing the teaching schedule and bringing ideas for the sermon series
  • giving consideration to the elder meeting agendas by collecting agenda items from the other elders and structuring our meetings so that they run efficiently
  • laboring to equip and train any new elder candidates
  • leading the elder team through the creation and approval of our new member handbook, including a significant rewrite to our church bylaws
  • helping us work toward theological unity and clarity.

Many of these tasks are nearly invisible to the church at large. This role really is much more than preaching or being the spokesman for the elders. It is extrememly helpful for a man to lead the team, to be proactive in developing us as a team, to be thinking strategically about how the eldership can be more effective in the church or how individual elders could better serve with their giftings.

It has been increasingly evident to the elders over the last several years that Daniel’s giftings and initiative within the eldership team set him apart well for the role of Lead Pastor.

A Strong Plurality

On a personal note, I’d like to share my appreciation for the strong pluratlity of elders that we have at Sovereign Grace Church. I have served in leadership at several congregational churches and in one elder-led church before coming to SGC, and I want you to know that the strong plurality here is a great blessing. The willingness and faithfulness of these men to share the weight of leading the church, to diligently seek the Lord for the good of the church, and to speak up even when it means challenging one another is a gift. It is a joy to serve the church alongside these men.

Reminder that your feedback is welcome

Again, the elders invite your feedback and/or concerns. We invite your thoughts or questions regarding the role of Senior Pastor at SGC, as well as your ideas about Daniel’s giftedness to serve in these capacities. Feel free to contact your sphere pastor if you’d like to discuss it.


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