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Finding Your Place in the Pro-Life Cause

Posted in Pro-life, Sermons, Theology

On Sunday Walt preached on The Sanctity of Life. Like many churches, we often choose a Sunday around January 22, the anniversary of Roe v. Wade, to reflect on what it means to be pro-life in a culture that often is not. As Walt closed his sermon, he challenged us with some practical ways to engage this fight. Here is what he said:

How Should We Respond?

Our theology does us no good if we don’t act upon it; i.e., our theology that esteems life as crafted by the hand of God, and which speaks against the sinful destruction of life. These precious babies that he talked about Sunday can’t speak for themselves. We must speak for them. How do we do this?

We Speak First by Caring for Men and Women in Crisis

  1. There are young men and women all around us that are walking through the difficult decision process that James 4:1ff. describes. They’re hurting, they’re confused, and they desperately need someone to help them think rightly about these life-altering decisions. They need wisdom from above (James 3:17-18).
  2. They need to hear the truth that was presented this morning (Ps. 139:13-16, etc.). And they need to see that truth lived out in the lives of a compassionate caring witness for Christ.
  3. They need to hear that there are NO mistakes with God. He has providentially brought about their particular circumstances. And he has a plan for them and their baby if they will simply trust him.
  4. They need to be made aware that there are alternatives to abortion.

We Speak by Supporting Alternatives to Abortion

  1. A Hand of Hope is a non-profit crisis pregnancy resource center in Fuguay-Varina that helps men and women that are facing unplanned pregnancy. They provide a number of helpful resources to help people in crisis make informed decisions. We have been supporting them financial as a church for several years. If you are looking for place where you can make difference. Tonya Nelson the director of A Hand of Hope will be here in the Spring to give us more information about this ministry.
  2. We can volunteer for organizations like Hand of Hope, and we can give to such ministries.
  3. Another option that the Lord might be calling us to is the most significant: adoption. Maybe God is prompting us to engage this fight by actually adopting a child.

We Speak by Voting

We need to vote every time we have an opportunity. We need to vote for pro-life candidates with genuine convictions on stopping abortion in America. People will often say you can’t legislate morality. And I answer, "But its OK to legislate against immorality."

We Speak through Prayer

  1. Pray for revival in the Church. That a fresh anointing of the Spirit would fall on God’s people. That we would have an unction from his Spirit to be his witnesses to the culture of death.
  2. Pray for those considering abortion. Pray for our nation’s purity. Pray that spiritual strongholds would be broken and that the veil of darkness would be lifted.
  3. Pray for our leaders to carefully reconsider policy and laws that make abortion easy to obtain.
  4. Pray for those who are courageously serve on the front lines to defend human life. That God will raise up of volunteers.

Like world-wide evangelism, the need in this area is incalculable. No one individual—aside from the Lord himself—will be able to tackle it. Our job is to be faithful to what God wants us specifically to do. It might not seem like a lot, but if an army of Christians was taking action in small ways, the impact could be profound. May God give you wisdom to know how you should respond.

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