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Know Your Part: How Do We Do It?


  1. How do we do it? That is a really important question in the Christian life. How do we do the things that God has commanded us (thru his word and thru preaching) ? There’s at least two parts to that question. One, by what power do we do these things or how do we access the power to do these things? And secondly, are there some wise practical steps I can take to begin doing these things?
  2. I’m going to attempt to start the conversation concerning “how do we do it?” when it comes to sg. I will cover some of the ground that has already been covered but hopefully tapped in more to application and or motivation.
  3. Four Points: Hope that you seek to build these into your lives because the gifts of the Spirit are really important. Be Knowledgeable, Be Motivated, Be Active, Be Practical

Be Knowledgeable:

  1. I Cor 12: 1 Now concerning spiritual gifts, brothers, I do not want you to be uninformed. There are lots of opinions out there about the gifts of the spirit but a lot of them are not rooted in the New Testament passages that speak to us about them.
  2. Read and study the passages that speak to us about the gifts of the Holy Spirit. I Corinthians 12-14, Romans 12: 3-8, I Peter 4:10-11; Ephesians 4:7-14
    1. Allow the list of the many gifts to inspire you and motivate you to ask and seek God and not limit him in your life. How will you know what to ask for and how to identify the gifts if you’re unaware of them? I want to encourage you - Don’t just scratch the surface when it comes to the gifts of the Spirit. Seek to go deep by studying them.
    2. There are 20+ gifts listed in these passages plus the “other” gifts that we would probably all agree on.
    3. “Other” gifts not in these lists: prayer, arts/design, music, hospitality but not rocking!

The Lord said to Moses, 2 “See, I have called by name Bezalel the son of Uri, son of Hur, of the tribe of Judah, 3 and I have filled him with the Spirit of God, with ability and intelligence, with knowledge and all craftsmanship, 4 to devise artistic designs, to work in gold, silver, and bronze, 5 in cutting stones for setting, and in carving wood, to work in every craft. Exodus 31: 2-5

  1. Besides the “lists of the gifts” there is God’s attitude towards the gifts. What they’re purpose is, how we should view them and how we should pursue them; why they are important. It will motivate you to learn of God’s perspective towards the Christian and the gifts of the Spirit and give you faith to seek God for them.
  2. Understand and appreciate the diversity of the gifts. Paul makes the clear point: There are a varieties of the gifts, service and activities that the Spirit gives. Thayer’s Greek Lexicon reads: a distinction arising from a different distribution to different persons, (A. V. diversity): I Cor 12: 11 All these are empowered by one and the same Spirit, who apportions to each one individually as he wills.
    1. This diversity should encourage us and inspire us. God and his glory are so great and are on display everywhere including in nature in many diverse and beautiful ways. Look at nature and all the amazing creatures the Lord has created whether they be mammals or insects, birds or plants or sea creatures. Cannot attribute to evolution; His glory is on display all around us in many different ways in nature.
    2. And this diversity is seen among his people including the different gifts and graces he has given to us. This should be freeing and encouraging to us. We don’t necessarily have to be like others. (Now we all have the common goal of be conformed into the image of Christ). We can be the unique people God has called us to be - our personalities, our preferences, our gifts and strengths.
    3. Familiarizing yourselves with the different gifts can help stretch us to ask God and seek God for gifts we might not if we’re left to our own comfort seeking ways. (left to ourselves most of us default to comfort.) You may be quiet… (don’t assume you know all the gifts God wants you to move in and don’t be content with a vague idea-press into God thru a better understanding )
    4. Handout on the gifts - understanding a certain gift may give you faith to ask for it or recognize its presence in your life.
  3. Understand that the gifts of the spirit are primarily not spectacular but they are powerful and effective. They are gifts of the Holy Spirit. They are empowered by the Spirit of God and effective in building up the body of Christ. But they're not necessarily spectacular. Miracles yes. The very nature of miracles. But most of the other gifts are not necc spectacular. Even gifts of healing are not necessarily spectacular. Gift of prophecy can be like that (dramatic-nature of it ICor 14). 6 little words. effective. As it turned out.
    1. We must balance our idea of spiritual gifts. If you only have the idea that spirit gifts are healing and tongues and miracles… then you will limit your own involvement and that of the church as well. These are Holy Spirit empowered gifts, activities and service for the purpose of building up the body of Christ and ministering to non-Christians.
      1. There is a certain sense that some are more public and some more private but they are all the empowering grace of the Holy Spirit.
    2. Oftentimes these gifts of grace and power are not in the limelight or public view. Eg of someone who passes. l known. But this doesn’t mean that they weren’t powerful. Have you ever been at someone’s funeral when people spoke of that person and you were amazed that even though you knew them at a certain level you weren’t aware of the total extent of their ministry and the gifts of grace that they exhibited.
      1. Hear me right - regardless of what your gifts are, we need to be filled with the Holy Spirit and power. Whether you’re teaching the whole church or the 3rd and 4th grade class…
    3. Be realistic but zealous for the gifts. Seek to have a realistic idea of the gifts and graces that God has given you.
      1. Don’t think more highly than he ought to think but think with sober judgment; according to the measure of faith that God has assigned.
    4. Maybe God has gifted you in the area of evangelism. Seek to serve God with that gift but don’t assume you will be the next Billy Graham. If you do you will be puffed up with pride or overcome with discouragement when you realize that you aren’t. But seek to grow in this gift and quietly or maybe not so quietly share the gospel with non-Christians. You are a steward of the gifts of grace that God has given to you.
    5. Be realistic and zealous: This taps into what we will talk about in a little which is we can and should seek to grow in our spiritual gifts. They are divinely given gifts but we are responsible through the means of grace to grow in them. This frees us up to realize that wherever level of gifting we have currently in a certain area of ministry, we can grow in it. We’re not confined to the status quo and there is a proper “holy dissatisfaction” we should have that motivates us to seek God for more of his grace and Spirit and to cultivate the gifts that he has given.
    6. Realize the “pressure” of scripture upon us in regards to the gifts of the spirit. There is a redeemed “pressure” that we should feel to obey scripture (it should be our joy but also we’re motivated by different things… esp in areas that we’re not that strong at or fond of or comfortable ). The sp gifts are not an optional thing for Christians just like holiness, evangelism, prayer… are not optional. We are called to these things as believers. And the same is true for the gifts - we’re called to seek God for them. We can’t say “that’s for those type of people”.
      1. In turn there is grace (God’s power and help) to obey all the commands of scripture. I Peter 4: As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace (good managers of the grace of God in its various forms). There is a stewardship that God has given us regarding the gifts of the Spirit. What you have to contribute is really important. We all have small but important lives to live and parts to play in the kingdom of God and among the community of believers. So we should “feel” that responsibility and then turn to God for help in it.
    7. What about spiritual gift questionnaires?
      1. Finding Your Spiritual Gifts: C. Peter Wagner. Good definitions. I think they can be a helpful guide if the results seem to confirm or really make sense to you. Regardless, trust that if they are accurate they will be evident over time. .. one tool to help you. Sam Storms.

Be Motivated:

  1. As we begin to think about specific steps towards actively seeking God for the gifts of the Spirit we want to be motivated rightly. Our primary motivation in all things…
  2. The glory of God: I Peter 4. 11 whoever speaks, as one who speaks oracles of God; whoever serves, as one who serves by the strength that God supplies—in order that in everything God may be glorified through Jesus Christ. When we use our spiritual gifts rightly God is glorified! One of those ways is to do so in love.

If I have prophetic powers, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. If I give away all I have, and if I deliver up my body to be burned, but have not love, I gain nothing.

I Corinthians 13: 2-3

  1. So how do we actively cultivate this motive of doing everything for the glory of God? One area would be in prayer. Prayer is the starting place for seeking God and his gifts of grace. And as we do ask him and seek him for the gifts that should include asking him that we would decrease/increase. Make it a regular practice to be asking for the gifts of the Holy Spirit including this attitude of humility and doing things for God’s glory.
    1. Seek a pure heart but don’t expect perfection this side of glory. We will never have absolutely pure motives but make it a regular prayer and seek to align your heart with the fruit of the spirit. Remember the Corinthians!
    2. Another way that we grow in this area of motive is to be self aware and God aware (Ken Sande) when God begins to answer that prayer request , refines you in the ministry of the gifts. Prophecy, service, help lead an activity but the church at large = God is refining. Be aware and be responsive. Redirect your h
    3. The building up of others. The overall goal, and the primary specific goal. To me this is the clear teaching of scripture concerning the g of the Spirit. Amidst any controversy or disagreement about this topic this purpose gets lost.
      1. I Cor 12: 7 for the common good.
      2. Seven times in I Cor 14. Build up = strengthening; edification

For I long to see you, that I may impart to you some spiritual gift to strengthen you— 12 that is, that we may be mutually encouraged by each other's faith, both yours and mine.

Romans 1:11-12

Here is the Apostle…

You often see this dynamic (mutual encouragement) in our home groups…incl the guy who works on everyone's cars.

  1. Spiritual gifts fit into NT church style of ministry: the body of Christ ministering to one another;
    1. You don’t see that in a lot of organizations. We need one another and we all have different roles to play.
      1. We see the gifts of the Spirit somewhat integrated with the one anothers. Pray, serve, hospitable, encourage, teach, admonish.
      2. So in terms of motivation we should seek in our prayer times and our ministry times to focus on the building up and serving of others. Let that drive your prayer and your service.
      3. This attitude of building up of others is the primary purpose of the gifts of the Spirit.

So with yourselves, since you are eager for manifestations of the Spirit, strive to excel in building up the church. I Corinthians 14: 12

Ministry to non-Christians. I Cor 14: 24 But if all prophesy, and an unbeliever or outsider enters, he is convicted by all, he is called to account by all, 25 the secrets of his heart are disclosed, and so, falling on his face, he will worship God and declare that God is really among you. But also prayer, hospitality, service, fixing car…

D. Be Active: The Christian life is an active life! We are called to love the Lord our God with all our heart, mind, soul and strength! And love our neighbor as ourselves! That requires effort and I’m not talking necessarily about external business but an active inner life with God.

But as for you, O man of God, flee these things. Pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, steadfastness, gentleness. 12 Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called and about which you made the good confession in the presence of many witnesses. I Timothy 6: 11-12

  1. Most of us (as Americans) have to fight against our inner couch potato. We love our convenience, we love our entertainment and our comfort. But Jesus calls us to something greater. So how can we live an active Christian life and how does it apply to the gifts of the Spirit?
    1. Actively give yourself daily to God. (Extreme poverty)

We want you to know, brothers, about the grace of God that has been given among the churches of Macedonia … begging us earnestly for the favor of taking part in the relief of the saints— 5 and this, not as we expected, but they gave themselves first to the Lord and then by the will of God to us. II Corinthians 8: 1, 4-5

They gave themselves to God and then in service to others. In the pursuit of our spiritual gifts we must first give ourselves to the Lord and then out of that devotion to the Lord give ourselves to others in the pursuit of these gifts. (John - devote yourself to God)

This is what we did when we first came to the Lord and it is a lifestyle (Spirit filled) that we are called to continually.

  1. I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Romans 12:1 Begin each day by giving yourself to God. Affirm your devotion to him.
    1. Actively desire the gifts of the Spirit. We should actively desire more of God, more of his Spirit and more of his power and gifts.
    2. In his letter to the Corinthians Paul tells them to: I Cor 12:31 earnestly desire the higher gifts. I Cor 14: 1 Pursue love and earnestly desire the spiritual gifts
    3. Beware of false humility that would keep you from this. Weemith Weymouth Translation: Be eager in your pursuit of this Love, and be earnestly ambitious for spiritual gifts: Not (necc) pride to eagerly desire spiritual gifts.
    4. Earnestly desire: Strongs: eager to possess; HELPS Word Studies: to bubble over because so hot (boiling); (figuratively) "to burn with zeal" (J. Thayer); " 'to be earnest, to set one's heart on, to be completely intent upon' "
    5. We should earnestly desire the gifts not for ourselves but in order to build up the church and minister to the non-Christian. Here are some ways to grow in actively desiring the gifts.
      1. Read his word especially these passages that speak about the gifts and also Jesus’ encouragements to ask and to persist in asking. Let the word inspire you to want more, to desire more.
      2. Let your weaknesses drive you to desire more of his grace and power and gifts. Don’t be satisfied with just getting by. Whether you are teaching a class or giving a prophetic word or administrating an event when it goes “okay” (not terrible but not great) but not great don’t be condemned but.
      3. Be filled with the Spirit. Ask for more of the Spirit.

His desire is that we cry out to him that he might intensify, expand, increase and deepen the manifestation of his power through us in ever more demonstrative and tangible ways in our lives. Sam Storms

Another part of desiring the gifts is that God will often give you a love or a zeal for certain activities of the Spirit. Maybe you just love to serve others or give to others or teach others the Bible. Cultivate those desires so that in your prayer times with God you are fervently asking for opportunities to use those gifts and ministry opportunities. (Jim and Martha)

  1. So asking for the gifts of the Holy Spirit goes hand in hand with desiring them. Scripture exhorts us to actively do both-they fuel one another. One of the great joys of the C life is to be able to draw near

But when you pray, go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you. Matthew 6:6

I want to encourage you - go into your room, shut the door and ask your Father for gifts of the Spirit. Should you ask for specific gifts or just whichever ones God wants to give you? Yes! Do both. We discussed earlier that there are the gifts of the Spirit that seem just for that moment, just for that need. And then there are ones that it seems God gives us as our (resident) spiritual gifts (s) and we find ourselves using them on a regular basis. Both categories.

  1. Be active in faith. Is trusting God according to his promises. It says of Mary in Luke 1 by Elizabeth: blessed is she who believed that there would be a fulfillment of what was spoken to her from the Lord.
    1. fully convinced that God was able to do what he had promised.
      1. ”So whatever we are asking God for in prayer we should be believing him to do. This is really important. Faith is like a muscle and we must exercise this muscle, stretch ourselves to believe God for things.
      2. He who comes to God must believe that he is and that he is a rewarder of those who diligently seek him.
      3. Remember we all have small but significant lives to live and the only way we can do so for the glory of God is to be empowered by him so go into your closet and ask for things.

Be Practical:

When I say practical it’s with this in mind. The gifts of the Spirit are gifts or manifestations of the Holy Spirit’s power through believers. However we want to make sure we don’t over spiritualize them.They’re not mystical. It isn’t God coming over someone and they have no control over the gift. We can recognize these gifts and we can grow in their effectiveness. So the following are things that have been gleaned from reading Jack Deere - Cultivating The Gifts of the Spirit, Sam Storms including his book Beginner's Guide To Spiritual Gifts as well as my own observations and other readings. (restating)

  1. Seek to live a Spirit filled life which begins with praying regularly for the filling and power of the Holy Spirit. It is rooted in a trusting dependence on the Lord. Desperate but trusting, desperate but confident. (Psalms) Apart from him we can do nothing… but with; “God dependent effort” = ministry
  2. Pray regularly for God’s grace and power through the filling of the Holy Spirit for whatever responsibilities are in your life both regular and special.
    1. In your roles as parents, or grandparents or single, as a son/daughter, student, neighbor, friend, SS teacher, teach at hs or hs, HG member. Whatever your areas of faithfulness are be asking God if faith for his Holy Spirit.
    2. Or maybe you have a special opportunity that coming up. You’re ask to serve or speak or minister somewhere at work or school or in a ministry. Be regularly committing those things to God and asking him for his power and grace.
    3. Don’t sleepwalk through life. My own experience I’ll get home from an event. (it’s a strong statement; focus on his point )
If you make any attempt to live a ordinary daily existence or to make use of the many spiritual gifts that God has provided without this power animating and energizing your body, soul, spirit, will and affections, you will know little of the greatness and glory of God and all that he is for us in Jesus. If you make any attempt to pursue Christian ministry apart from a conscious prayer for more of this power and a conscious dependence on it to enable you to do otherwise you could never hope to do, you will never enter into the fullness of what God has designed for you and for those to whom you might minister.
—Sam Storms

Ask regularly for the gifts of the Spirit. Don’t be shy, be bold. There are many different gifts of the Spirit that the Lord may choose to have you use. Secondly pray on a regular basis for the gifts that you seem to regularly exhibit or you desire to.

Let it not be said of us that we have not because we ask not. And ask in faith.

  1. Don’t be afraid to seek help in identifying the gifts in your life. Take a survey, ask those close to you, ask the Lord and take notice of the way God uses you and the way that you are motivated. If you have a tremendous desire to see people receive physical healing it doesn’t necc mean you have the gift of healing but you might want to pursue it and look for opportunities to pray for people.
  2. Don’t be passive. Attempt to use your gifts on a regular basis. Pray and then look for opportunities to use them whether it’s serving or administration or mercy or hospitality or prophecy.
    1. So use your gifts wherever you are, whatever opportunity you discover and whatever level of gifting you seem to have; use them
    2. Practice the gifts in small groups. Personal, small groups, corporate. There are different ways that we serve in a small group and in the corporate service. When there’s 10-12 adults in your small group… more responsibility and opportunity to minister and serve. And to practice/feel comfortable.
    3. Also, practice the one anothers of the Christian life. Open your eyes (ask God) opportunities to encourage, exhort, comfort, care for, pray for, serve, to be hospitable, to show mercy, to instruct, to listen, to weep with, to rejoice with, to administrate, to give a word of wisdom.
    4. Remember that the goal of spiritual gifts is the building up of others and if that is your aim, and prayer then God will provide many opportunities for you to minister. And in the midst of that you will most likely discover your gifts.
  3. Study the gifts. Especially the ones you want to grow in. What does scripture have to say about that gift. Are there any books on that subject? My own eg.
    1. Learn from others who are fruitful in the area that you want to grow in. View their styles and ask them questions. Serve with them. Appreciate their gifts.
  4. Seek to grow and to cultivate the gifts, especially the ones that God seems to use you in on a regular basis. Just like other gifts or skills we can grow in developing these gifts. Practice and exercise your gift!
    1. This includes using your gift according to its dynamics: prophesy according to the measure of faith God has given you; the one who contributes with generosity, the one who leads with zeal, the one who does acts of mercy with cheerfulness. There is much grace in these gifts so seek to use them in all their God given power.
    2. Paul tells Timothy in II Tim 1: 6 For this reason I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of my hands
    3. Allow “holy frustration” to motivate you to keep asking, seeking, knocking. We grow in developing our spiritual gifts just as we do in our natural gifts.
    4. The Spirit filled life is a faith filled life so seek to grow in trusting and believing God. Seek to believe God for great things and at the same time have a realistic idea that “great things” are often not what we think. Meeting the needs of others in Jesus name is a great thing. I know in my own life that God often answers my prayers for his grace and gifts in ways that are not spectacular but effective. And when he does I rejoice in him.
    5. Start where you are at: acc to the proportion of faith, acc to the grace that God has given, according to sober judgment according to the measure of faith that God has assigned..
  5. Beware of hindrances:
    1. Pride is always our enemy. Either we think we should have a different gift or do it better than someone else.
    2. Or we’re afraid to step out (fear, pride and unbelief).
    3. Beware of comparisons. This person is much better at (fill in the blank).
    4. Comfort: EG An unwilling to stretch. Humility is willing; faith is willing, love is willing.

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