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A reading of Mark 14:26–31.
On the night before D-Day, June 6, 1944, Dwight D. Eisenhower distributed a message to the troops involved in the invasion:
You are about to embark upon the Great Crusade, toward which we have striven these many months. The eyes of the world are upon you. The hope and prayers of liberty-loving people everywhere march with you. In company with our brave Allies and brothers-in-arms on other Fronts, you will bring about the destruction of the German war machine, the elimination of Nazi tyranny over the oppressed peoples of Europe, and security for ourselves in a free world….
I have full confidence in your courage, devotion to duty and skill in battle. We will accept nothing less than full Victory!
Also a second note. Hand-written. In case a defeat. Kept in his wallet:
“Our landings…have failed to gain a satisfactory foothold and I have withdrawn the troops. This particular operation [He scratched this out and replaced with] My decision to attack at this time and place was based upon the best information available. The troops, the air and the Navy did all that Bravery and devotion to duty could do. If any blame or fault attaches to the attempt it is mine alone.”[1]
So nervous he got the date wrong, July 6 instead of June 6.
These two notes provide a window into the battle before the battle for Eisenhower.
The garden of Gethsemane is the place where Jesus fights the battle before the battle. It’s a battle he fights alone. Entirely alone.
Where we are in the STORYLINE:
A lot already even on this particular night:
Thus far Jesus fully in control.
Prayer — COVID, Schools, year ahead at Cornerstone
“When they had sung a hymn” = The Hallel Psalms 113–118 would be sung at the Passover. 113–114 before the meal and 115–118 after. This meal would take hours and not begin till after nightfall. Thus, likely after midnight when you’re singing Ps 118.[3]
Jesus singing Ps 118. Verses like these:
22 The stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone….
26 Blessed is he who comes in the name of the LORD!
We bless you from the house of the LORD. (Ps 118:22, 26)
Then to Mount of Olives.
Wastes no time and speaks a very sobering prophecy.
Mark 14:27–28.
The OT prophecy is from Zech 13:7. There’s a subtle change to the verb used, “I will strike…”
This idea is important for the whole narrative. Jesus’ prayer makes sense only in light of the fact the Father has providential control over all that is happening. Why pray if the Father is not in charge of events?
Three denials prophesied of Peter and three fulfilled in 14:66–72.
APPLICATION: See the way our salvation was accomplished.
Peter Bolt:
Jesus will face this battle alone. He alone can embrace this hour….He will go where the many will not go, so that the many might never have to go there at all.
Peter Bolt, The Cross from a Distance[4]
APPLICATION: Don’t pretend you can save yourself.
In Gethsemane. A Hebrew phrase that means “oil press.” Brought over into Greek and now English.
An oil press is a vivid word picture for this moment. That’s precisely what’s happening here.
The emotional anguish:
But it’s his prayer that is so arresting, surprising.
“Abba, Father…”
For you did not receive the spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, but you have received the Spirit of adoption as sons, by whom we cry, “Abba! Father!” (Rom 8:15)
“All things are possible for you”
“Remove this cup from me.”
“Yet not what I will but what you will” (v. 36).
In a moment like this we see the TWO NATURES of Christ come together.
John Calvin writing about Gethsemane said:
As musical sounds, though various and differing from each other, are so far from being discordant, that they produce sweet melody and fine harmony; so in Christ there was a remarkable example of adaptation between the two wills, the will of God and the will of man, so that they differed from each other without any conflict or opposition.
John Calvin, Harmony of the Gospels[7]
APPLICATION: Learn the power of Jesus’ prayer (Mark 14:36)—Feel the weight of ALL 4 ELEMENTS
Mark’s narrative has a secondary theme.
This emphasis is somewhat unique to Mark.
But it’s Mark where the command for us to pray is really emphasized.
The REASON we pray? Mark 14:37—that you may not enter into temptation.
The REALITIES of prayer—Mark 14:37—the spirit/Spirit indeed is willing but the flesh is weak.
APPLICATION: Jesus here is calling us to STAY AWAKE.
The passage ends on another low note, the BETRAYER.
Summary – Mark gives us one of those passages that pays dividends when you slow down and read it prayerfully. Trying to imagine the moment. Hearing every sentence and what is says about our Savior.
We need to hear the reality of Jesus prophesying of being struck by the Father and all his companions deserting him.
We need to hear the reality of his unanswered prayer. And his determination to embrace the will of the Father.
We need to hear his clear statement about the connection between prayer and temptation.
Here we find two clear applications.
Most of our lives don’t get the attention of history like Eisenhower and the invasion of Normandy.
In the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus saw that if he obeyed God fully, he’d be absolutely abandoned by God and, essentially, destroyed in hell. No one else has ever faced such a situation. Only Jesus truly “served God for nothing.”…
Jesus was assaulted by Satan. But in the greatest reversal of all, Satan only brought about the achievement of God’s salvation and grace….
When you suffer without relief, when you feel absolutely alone you can know that, because he bore your sin, he will be with you.
You can know you are walking the same path Jesus walked, so you are not alone—and that path is only taking you to him.
Tim Keller, Walking with God Through Pain and Suffering[8]
[1] David Zucchino, LA Times, June 5, 2014.
[2] Later Mishnah records the traditions likely used at the time of Christ. It is speculation to say these traditions were the ones utilized by Jesus but not unreasonable. See R.T. France, The Gospel of Mark, NIGTC (Eerdmans, 2002), 574.
[3] See “Hallel,” Encyclopaedia Judaica (2008).
[4] Peter Bolt, The Cross from a Distance, NSBT, 110.
[5] See the commentaries by R.T. France and William Lane for more on Abba. Also Peter Bolt’s The Cross from a Distance.
[6] Excerpt of The Statement of Faith of the Third Council of Constantinople (681 AD, Sixth Ecumenical): “We also proclaim two natural willings or wills in him and two natural operations, without separation, without change, without partition, without confusion, according to the teaching of the holy Fathers—and two natural wills not contrary to each other, God forbid, as the impious heretics have said they would be, but his human will following, and not resisting or opposing, but rather subject to his divine and all-powerful will. For it was proper for the will of the flesh to be moved naturally, yet to be subject to the divine will, according to the all-wise Athanasius.”
[7] John Calvin, A Harmony of the Gospels at Matt 26:39/Mark 14:36.
[8] Tim Keller, Walking with God Through Pain and Suffering (Riverhead, 2013), 293.
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