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Redeemed from Trouble in a Moment of Need

• Cassie Sasser

Posted in Prayer, Presence of God

A testimony from Cassie Sasser:

Oh give thanks to the LORD, for he is good,
for his steadfast love endures forever! 
Let the redeemed of the LORD say so, 
whom he has redeemed from trouble. (Ps 107:1-2)

Each time Phil and I venture out it is an adventure. We have learned to try to be prepared for a myriad of things that might happen. Our most essential preparation is prayer.

On April 18th, we were on our way to our grandson August’s baseball game. We were already late because we had first gone to the wrong field.  We regrouped—with much help from Rob and Debbie Hill who just "happened" to be there for their grandson's game!—and then went to the large complex of Thomas Brooks Park with which we were not familiar.

We followed the signs leading to Field 7. We finally saw the sign, “Field 7,” and turned right, directly into the parking lot. There were many cars but no one was around since the game had already started and all the fans were in the bleachers. 

We parked, facing the direction of the field, which we could not see because of the steep grassy knoll in front of us. Since we had just experienced the discouraging experience of going to the wrong field, which was quite an ordeal for us, I said I would walk toward the field to be sure it was where August’s team was playing before unloading the wheelchair. Phil waited in the car.  

I climbed the hill, but I still could not tell for sure if was the East Cary team so I began walking down the hill toward the field until I was sure I saw August at shortstop. I went back to tell Phil this was the correct field but that there were obstacles for us to conquer before getting there. As a side note, since Phil has been wheelchair bound, we have a whole new understanding of the many obstacles that face any outing. But we have also learned of the many helps (thank you for the ADA) that are usually available, for which we are very grateful. 

This time there were no helps, just hindrances, which we found very unusual. There was first of all a curb we would need to go up and over. Then there was a grass and dirt area we would need to push through before getting to a sidewalk which wound up the hill. There was also an asphalt hill even steeper than the grass hill. Each of these obstacles could very well be unconquerable in themselves but worth a try.

Phil is the navigator and I am the engine, so after scouting out the situation he thought going up the asphalt hill (which looked as if it was created for things with motors on them such as lawn mowers and other landscape equipment) would be our best option.

Here is when God rescued us.

The Rescue

I began pushing up the asphalt incline. It became more and more difficult  to push. Suddenly—and this all happened in a flash—the wheelchair stopped. I was already aware that if it stopped the power of gravity would take over, and I would not be able to get started again. I was highly motivated to put everything I had into that push as I recognized we were in imminent danger and that we would soon be crashing back down the hill. Phil put the brakes on but I knew they would not hold; this hill we were on had crested at a sharp angle. 

In my mind’s eye I saw the wheelchair turning over backwards and Phil falling down the hill, with me and the wheelchair tumbling after him and all landing in a heap at the bottom.

I gave every bit of strength I had (that was a new experience) and pushed. With my last breath and as the last gasp of air came from me, I cried aloud to God. 

Immediately a voice behind me said, "I’m coming! I’m almost there!” A bear of a man or angel or…was there, not just willing to help me push but gently saying, “You can let go, I’ve got him.”

A moment later, as he neared the top, even he uttered surprise at how hard it was to push.

When we reached the top I scanned his face intently because I wanted to remember the face of the one whom God sent to us in our time of need. We thanked him, insufficiently, and he was gone. Phil didn’t tell me until much later that he never saw the man because his wheelchair was turned away from him. 

We don’t know what his name is, we don’t know where he came from or went, but we do know that God sent help to us at the exact moment we needed it.

Afterwards I felt like I was hovering somewhere between this world and heaven. I felt God saying, “There will come a day when you will be with me, but not this day. I am not calling you this day.”

Prayer in our Moments of Need

I hope that hearing our experience urges you to communicate to your Father more, and that you're reminded of how close he is to us. There is no help in thinking a moment of need like this won’t happen to you. But in that place of need, he is near and communication is a gift from him we don’t want to neglect. I know I don’t.

Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need. (Heb 4:16)


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