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Palm Sunday to Resurrection Sunday – Readings from the Gospel of Matthew

• Daniel Baker

Posted in Easter

Sunday, April 10th, is referred to by many as Palm Sunday. That's because it highlights the historic Sunday Jesus rode into Jerusalem riding on a donkey—when the large crowd who had heard he was coming lined the street and "took branches of palm trees" and placed them in his path (John 12:13). And when he came they shouted, "Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord, even the King of Israel!” This triumphal entry begins the most important week of Jesus' earthly ministry, the week that would begin on this Palm Sunday, include his crucifixion on Good Friday, and then end with his resurrection on Easter Sunday (Resurrection Sunday). Our salvation has everythingn to do with what happened over these several days.

On Good Friday and Resurrection Sunday we'll be looking at several chapters in the Gospel of Matthew to highlight the redemptive work of Christ. If you'd like to track these days in Matthew's gospel throughout the week, you can read these passages:

  • PALM SUNDAY: Matthew 21:1–11
  • MONDAY: Matthew 21:12–17. Note: Mark 11:12, "On the following day," is why we place the cleansing of the temple on Monday and not Palm Sunday.
  • TUESDAY: Matthew 21:18–26:5. Matthew seems to have captured every minute of this day, which begins "in the morning" with the explanation of the cursed fig tree (vv. 18–22) and ends that evening with the Olivet Discourse in Matt 24–25.
  • WEDNESDAY: Matthew 26:6–16*
  • THURSDAY: Matthew 26:17–75
  • GOOD FRIDAY: Matthew 27:1–61
  • SATURDAY: Matthew 27:62–66

We'll be looking at 1 Peter 4:7–11 in our time together on April 10th, but on Good Friday and Resurrection (Easter) Sunday we'll be looking at Matthew's account of these days.



*The events on Wednesday are the most difficult to place precisely, but we'll use 26:6–16 to keep the passages progressing consecutively. 

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