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Ladies Meeting Friday - Drawing Near to God in the Midst of Life

• Rachel Pannell

Posted in Devotions, Women’s Ministry

by Rachel Pannell

We heard from Teresa Gregus recently about our upcoming ladies meeting, which is now tomorrow night (7:00pm), and I'm so excited because the topic is drawing near to God.

That Sunday, before Teresa's announcement, the Lord was kind to remind us of His love and sovereign care for us and how He draws near to us. We were reminded from the prophecy mic that although we often help others begrudgingly and incompletely (and perhaps incompetently), God's care for us is never thus; in fact, His fatherly care of us is ever generous and abundantly sufficient.

We were reminded through Scriptures read that God hears our cries, answers us, and acts as we see in Psalm 18, for example. He hears our cries and draws us out of many waters (16). He is our support (18, 35). He rescues us from our enemy (17, 19, 43, 48). He shows Himself merciful (25), shining light in our darkness (28). It was a tremendous morning of worship with Good Friday and Easter Sunday right around the corner.

Our heavenly Father sent Jesus to die for us because He loved us and because He wanted us to be able to draw near to Him. Later He sent His Spirit to encourage and guide us and gave us His Word to remind us of His great and precious promises. We have such a great treasure, shining light into our darkness, because He first drew near to us. And He who made the way for us, draws even nearer when we draw near to Him! What an astounding gift! And drawing near to Him is what tomorrow's ladies meeting is all about.

Draw Near

Engaging God in the Midst of Life

Please join us for an evening discussing how we pursue and engage God in the thick of the realities of life. There is no life situation in which the pursuit of God comes naturally and easily. Yet, there is also no life situation that will not be transformed when we seek Him.

Three SGC ladies with lives just like yours will share with us from their own journeys in this area. Dawn Ruhl will focus on the guidance and stability God’s Word has brought to her changing life; Vicki Willis will share about the relationship she has developed with the Lord through ongoing prayer; and Teresa Gregus will encourage us to pull away from the chaos of life to spend uninterrupted time alone seeking the Lord.

You will likely leave with at least one new idea to implement into your own pursuit of God. We hope that all SGC ladies, high school age and older, will be able to join us!

When Teresa spoke about the upcoming ladies meeting, she also reminded us of Phil's message in the fall about every Christian Woman's Calling—to have a "Mary heart," as she phrased it. Whatever our age or season of life, the first priority of every woman is to sit at the feet of Jesus as Mary did. And how kind of God to draw near to us when we do.

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401 Upchurch St, Apex, NC 27502

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