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Approaching Holy Week

Posted in Bible, Gospel, SG, Worship

The SGM blog posted this by Walt Alexander, one of our fellow elders at the Knoxville SG church. It's got some great helps for you to prepare your heart for Easter. Note that we'll be having a Good Friday service to remind us to slow down and behold the cross.

What in the World is Holy Week?

Have you ever noticed how much the gospels slow down as they approach Jesus’ death and resurrection?

The gospels begin with Jesus’ birth (except Mark which begins much more quickly). They then march along, gaining speed. Jesus makes repeated stops. He calls disciples. He preaches constantly. He heals blind, deaf, paralyzed, demon-possessed people at every stop. He can hardly rest.

This pace continues and gains steam.

But, as he enters Jerusalem, everything slows down dramatically. Much as a train slows as it approaches its destination, so the gospels slow down as Jesus reaches his destination: death on a cross.

Consider this. In the gospel of Matthew, of twenty-eight total chapters, eight are devoted to the final week of Jesus’ ministry.

This week has historically been called “holy week.” It is simply a designation used to capture all that happened in the final days and week of Jesus’ ministry. It begins with Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem and ends with his resurrection day.

This is what the gospel slows down to consider. And, perhaps, so should we.

With celebrating Easter on March 31, I want to encourage you to take a few moments individually or as a family to consider this important week and its all-too-important climax in Jesus’ death and resurrection.

A Few Suggestions

Read through the gospel accounts of each day - This chart is fantastic. It organizes all that occurred each day of holy week, beginning with his triumphant entry into Jerusalem on the Sunday before Easter. Take a few minutes to talk through this as a family each day.

Read these daily devotions from Desiring God Ministries - In this short e-book Love to the Uttermost, Desiring God has collected excerpts from various messages by John Piper to go along with each day of holy week.

Rejoice in the wonderful truths of the gospel - To name a few:

  • We are reconciled to God–Ephesians 2:11-22
  • We are forgiven of our sins, as the debt has been cancelled–Colossians 2:14, Isaiah 53:6
  • We are counted righteous in Christ–2 Corinthians 5:21, Romans 3:23-26
  • We are adopted as sons and daughters–Romans 8:15-17, Galatians 4:4-7
  • We are born again, becoming new creations in Christ–John 3, 2 Corinthians 5:17
  • We are kept in the love of God, which nothing can disrupt–Romans 8:28-39, Jude 1
  • We are look to the hope of heaven–Romans 8:24-25, 1 Peter 1:3-5

Remember his death on Good Friday - Good Friday was an agonizing day for Jesus, as he endured the agony of the cross and the wrath of God. Take time to remember his sacrificial death. Take time to read the accounts of that day—Matthew. 26:57-27:61, Mark 14:53-15:47, Luke 22:54-23:54, and John 18:13-19:42. Take time to listen to this Crucifixion Narrative by pastor Rick Gamache.

Celebrate his resurrection on Easter - Christ has risen; He has risen indeed. Jesus has triumphed over sin and death and risen from the dead. He is alive and, because we united to Him, we too are alive and are new creations! Celebrate Easter and rejoice in what Jesus has done.

* This post first appeared on the Cornerstone Church of Knoxville blog.

Walt has been a member of Cornerstone Church of Knoxville since the spring of 2002. He graduated from the Sovereign Grace Pastors College in June, 2008. As student at the University of Tennessee, he discovered Cornerstone Church through Volunteers for Christ (VFC). He serves the church by overseeing the worship ministry, the Care Group ministry, men's ministry, and tending to various administrative duties. He married Kim in 2007. They welcomed their first child, son Rev, in September of 2010.

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