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Advent Dec 7: We Have Seen His Glory

• John McLawhorn

Posted in Advent, Devotions

Reading for December 7: John 1:35-51

Reflection: We Have Seen His Glory

Today's text gives us a glimpse into Jesus' early ministry: his baptism and recognition by John the Baptist as the Lamb of God, the welcoming of his new disciples to see his dwelling place, his re-naming of Peter, his calling of Philip, his divine knowledge of details in Nathanael’s life, and his future promises of the greater glory to be revealed.

As the gospel narrative opens and expands, we see more of the glory of God revealed in Jesus. We see him at John's baptism with the heavens opened, the Spirit of God descending upon him, and the voice of the God the Father's approval as his beloved son. The Baptist himself later confesses him to be the lamb of God who will take away the sin of the world. Afterward, the disciples of John can't help but to be drawn to this figure they begin to call Rabbi or Master. When these disciples encounter him, they are compelled to tell others about him and urge them to see the one Moses and the prophets spoke about.

The nativity story in John's gospel is short but powerful: “the word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory." God's eternal Son became a man. God came to dwell with his people in the flesh. Again in John's first epistle he writes, “That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we looked upon and have touched with our hands....” Jesus came and sat and talked and walked and ate and laughed with men as a man! But that is not all he came to do. He came to bring heaven to earth. He came to open heaven's doors and bridge the gap between God and man. Through his death and resurrection, Christ removed the barrier of our sins and restored access to paradise and fellowship with God. The God-man came to call us to himself.

Andrew, after spending the day with Jesus, brings his brother Simon to meet him. Jesus then gives Simon the new name of Peter, a name with a promise attached. Peter, whose new name means “rock” would go on to become a pillar in God's house, whose confession of Christ would shake the very gates of hell.

All we are told of Philip is that he received the call to follow Jesus and immediately found Nathanael to tell him of the one of whom the scriptures were pointing to. Next, although skeptical of Jesus's hometown of Nazareth, Nathanael quickly confesses him as the Son of God, the King of Israel, after Jesus tells of seeing him under a fig tree. Questioning this ready confession, Jesus foretells greater sights than these when the heavens will be opened and angels ascend and descend upon the Son of Man.

Jesus was made manifest to his people Israel. They beheld his glory, the glory as of the only Son from the Father. They heard the words of life from his lips. He would eventually be taken up from them and exalted to the right hand of Glory. But while he was with them he kept them in the name of his Father and guarded them as dearly beloved children. Their faith would grow over time to be rock solid in the face of all kinds of adversity.

Let us, too, hear the voice of him who still calls to us today to come and see and follow. This Christmas season, let us remember those who have gone on before us with Christ and who have “seen his glory”!

John McLawhorn

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